Thanks Andrew.  Also logged for the


On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 6:17 PM, Andrew Eisenberg <> wrote:
> Thanks for that.  We don't actually have any unit tests for the new
> aspect wizard, so this may not have been working for some time now.
> I raised to track this.
> On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 6:36 AM, Brett Randall <> wrote:
>> I enabled AspectJ tooling on a project in Eclipse, then I needed to
>> create a new Aspect with 'privileged' modifier.  I think I notice two
>> things:
>> 1) Checking the 'privileged' modifier checkbox in the new aspect
>> wizard didn't result in the privileged keyword/modifier in my new
>> Aspect file.
>> 2) When I went to add it in the editor, it wasn't supported as a
>> content assist editor suggestion after typing p-CTRL-SPACE.
>> For 2) I found [1], but I accept that content-assist won't find
>> private methods, but I thought it might offer the actual keyword in
>> the aspect declaration.
>> Anyone else confirm these, are they unreported to-date?
>> Plugin-spy data:
>> The active wizard class:
>> NewAspectCreationWizard
>> The contributing plug-in:
>> org.eclipse.ajdt.ui (2.1.3.e36x-20110315-1000)
>> The active page class:
>> NewAspectWizardPage
>> The contributing plug-in:
>> org.eclipse.ajdt.ui (2.1.3.e36x-20110315-1000)
>> The active editor class:
>> AspectJEditor
>> The contributing plug-in:
>> org.eclipse.ajdt.ui (2.1.3.e36x-20110315-1000)
>> The active editor identifier:
>> org.eclipse.ajdt.internal.ui.editor.CompilationUnitEditor
>> The active menu contribution identifiers:
>> org.eclipse.ajdt.internal.ui.editor.CompilationUnitEditor.EditorContext
>> #AbstractTextEditorContext
>> #CompilationUnitEditorContext
>> #AbstractTextEditorRulerContext
>> #AJCompilationUnitRulerContext
>> org.eclipse.ajdt.internal.ui.editor.CompilationUnitEditor.RulerContext
>> #OverviewRulerContext
>> Cheers
>> Brett
>> [1]
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