Hi Andy,

thanks for your detailed answer. I understand you're dealing with a
limited set of resources so certainly I did not want to complain about
the lack of docs :) Now as you say, I checked the second edition of
AspectJ in Action I own and it mentions the hasmember features but in
about 10 lines as an experimental feature.

At last I think I've found the unit tests I you mentioned in the Tools
CVS here: 
and grepped around in them but unfortunately I still struggle with the
correct syntaxes of hasmember.

Here's a test of the two use cases what I'm trying to accomplish (I
did turn on XhasMember both in ajdt and maven):

public aspect HasMemberTest {
        public static @interface Injected {
        public static @interface Managed {
        public static class Sample {
                private SampleManaged match1;
                private String match2;

        public static class SampleManaged {
                public SampleManaged(int foo) {}
        declare error: hasfield((@Injected *) *): "hit match1"; // try to
simply match 'match1' as an @Injected field
        declare error: hasfield(@Injected (!(@Managed *) *): "hit match2";      
try to match 'match2' as injection of a not @Managed type
        declare error: within(@Managed *) && !hasmethod(new()) : "no default
constructor";   // try to match SampleManaged non-default constructor

where the first declare fails to match and the other two is not
syntaxically correct in spite of I've spent a couple of hours now
trying to get them right (ok, the second one looks a bit too funky for
me as well).

Is type pattern matching complete with annotation usage?


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Andy Clement <andrew.clem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 26 May 2011 01:36, Kristof Jozsa <kristof.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hmm I wasn't yet aware of this hasmember feature. I tried to google
>> around and also checked my copy of Aspectj in Action but could not
>> find much examples.
> I can't recall if it was covered, but if it was it would be in the
> second edition (not the first) of AspectJ in action.  Given that it is
> still an 'optional' feature, I'm not sure if Ramnivas did cover it or
> not.
>> Are there any usage details on hasfield/hasmethod somewhere? Also, is
>> there a unit test suite which I could check for examples? The AspectJ
>> source download doesn't seem to include any tests..
> There are numerous tests in AspectJ for this.  The source for the
> tests is not available in zip form though, it is only in the
> repository. The source zips downloadable alongside the distribution
> are only for what is in the distribution.  Searching the source I see
> about 30/40 tests.
> The feature is actually described in this bug:
> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=86818 - which you'll
> actually see is still open.  It is still open because you have to
> switch on this feature with -XhasMember, it still hasn't been made
> 'default'.  It isn't default because it still doesn't play nicely with
> all the other language features (basically ITDs) - until it does it
> will still be something to opt into.
> But it was only in 1.6.9 that I added the ability to use type patterns
> with declare warning/error:
> http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/doc/released/README-169.html
> ---
> It is now possible to use a type pattern with declare warning and
> declare error. For example:
> declare warning: I+ && !hasfield(int i): "Implementations of I are
> expected to have a int field called i";
> ---
> I do acknowledge (and apologise that) the main docs don't cover it
> properly.  We last had the resource to do a good docs update for 1.5.0
> and that was all focussed on generics/annotations/etc when AspectJ was
> upgraded for Java5.  Since then it is basically the sequence of
> READMEs that detail what has happened with AspectJ.
> Here is one of our testcases for it:
> ===
> public aspect HasMethod {
>        declare parents : hasmethod(* print(..)) implements Printable;
>        public static void main(String[] args) {
>                C c = new C();
>                if (! (c instanceof Printable)) {
>                        throw new RuntimeException("declare parents : 
> hasmethod failed");
>                }
>        }
> }
> class C {
>        public void print() {}
> }
> interface Printable {};
> ===
> cheers
> Andy
>> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Matthew Adams <matt...@matthewadams.me> 
>> wrote:
>>> For the first one, you might try using "declare error" with a type
>>> pattern that uses hasmember.  Not sure what you mean by the second,
>>> but declare error with hasmember might do the trick there, too.
>>> -matthew
>>> On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Kristof Jozsa <kristof.jo...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'd like to ask for help with two policy enforcement rules:
>>>> - enforce a class having no constructor with arguments (a default or a
>>>> parameterless constructor is fine)
>>>> - enforce an annotated field being of a certain type
>>>> For the second one I currently enforce the get() of the field which is not
>>>> too bad, but would be nicer to disallow the field declaration.. if 
>>>> possible.
>>>> Can anyone show me an example doing these tricks?
>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>> K
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