Hi there,

I am using the AspectJ5 style annotations and in addition I also want
to create a point-cut based on a custom Annotation
(PermissionRequired), my Annotation looks like this -

@Target(value = ElementType.METHOD)
public @interface PermissionRequired {

    int mode() default -1;
    int user() default -1;
    int group() default -1;

    public final static int IS_DBA = 04;
    public final static int IS_OWNER = 02;

    public final static int IS_MEMBER = 40;

And an example use of this is -

@PermissionRequired(user = IS_DBA)
 private void setOwnerId(int ownerId) {

I need to be able to access the values of mode, user and group from
the PermissionRequired annotation in my aspect advice. My aspect looks
like this -

public class PermissionRequiredAspect {

    @Pointcut("execution(@org.exist.security.PermissionRequired *
*(..)) && this(permission) && @annotation(permissionRequired)")
    public void methodWithPermissionRequired(Permission permission,
PermissionRequired permissionRequired) {

    @Before("methodWithPermissionRequired(permission, permissionRequired)")
    public void enforcePermissions(JoinPoint joinPoint, Permission
permission, PermissionRequired permissionRequired) {

Now the above works quite nicely, however after reading the following articles,


I feel that it would be nicer, and perhaps more performant to directly
bind the values from the PermissionRequired annotation rather than the
annotation itself. So I tried to modify my aspect appropriately -

public class PermissionRequiredAspect {

    @Pointcut("execution(@org.exist.security.PermissionRequired *
*(..)) && this(permission) &&
    public void methodWithPermissionRequired(Permission permission,
int mode, int user, int group) {

    @Before("methodWithPermissionRequired(permission, mode, user, group)")
    public void enforcePermissions(JoinPoint joinPoint, Permission
permission, int mode, int user, int group) {

However, when I compile (I am using iajc from Ant), I get the
following error messages -

[error] Syntax error on token
"execution(@org.exist.security.PermissionRequired * *(..)) &&
this(permission) &&
")" expected
     [iajc] @Pointcut("execution(@org.exist.security.PermissionRequired
* *(..)) && this(permission) &&
[error] Method annotated with @Pointcut() for abstract pointcut must
be abstract
     [iajc] public void methodWithPermissionRequired(Permission
permission, int mode, int user, int group) {
     [iajc] 2 errors


So my question is -- Should the above annotation value bindings be
possible for int values? The values themselves are final and static,
so should be able to be optimised by the compiler I guess.

Adam Retter

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