Hi all,
I am attempting to set up some LTW with a foreign (.class files only)
code base.
After having read the documentation I am not sure what is required.
If I provide
as a VM option, is this sufficient or do I also need to
1) have to set ASPECTPATH as a system variable or is this just for
developing aspects?
2 have to set the ASPECTJ_HOME as a system variable or is this just for
developing aspects when I compile with AJC?
3) add aspectjrt.jar to my CLASSPATH system variable or is this just
for developing aspects when I compile with AJC?
4) somehow include lib/aspectjrt.jar and aspectjweaver.jar to the runtime?
So the idea is clear, I have foreign code. I have aspects already
compiled. I just want to run the foreign code as usual, but have the LTW
apply itself and execute the aspects as appropriate.
Many thanks...
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