You can't do this with a "final" TIMER field. You may want to have a "private 
final Map<String, Timer> timers" in which you'd associate Timers to MethodNames.

The MethodName you can get from thisJoinPoint(StaticPart) - you may even be 
able to use thisJoinPointStaticPart.toString() for that purpose.

[ Romain Muller | Software Development Engineer | +33 (0)6 48 25 66 70 | ]

Le 6 nov. 2012 à 11:29, Reik Schatz <> a écrit :

> Hi,
> I am working on a timer example using AspectJ similar to this logging 
> example: 
> However the Timer (not Logger) I am using takes among others a String 
> argument which describes the context of the place where you are timing (i.e. 
> if you are timing a save method in a DAO class, the argument would be 
> "save"). Now that the Timer is defined in the Aspect, is it possible to 
> retrieve some context information outside of the pointcut or advice 
> definition? Ideally I want to do something like:
> public aspect TimedAspect {
>     private final Timer TIMER = Metrics.newTimer(getClass(), "TARGET METHOD 
>     pointcut timedExecution() : execution(@Timed * * (..)); // execution of a 
> annotated method
>     Object around() : timedExecution() {
>         final TimerContext context = TIMER.time();
>         try {
>             return proceed();
>         } finally {
>             context.stop();
>         }
>     }
> }
> For me it looks like the only way is to create the Timer object inside the 
> advice and use the context information available.
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