There is no operator overloading in Java. It is implemented in other JVM 
languages like Scala, but this is a bit off-topic here.

BTW, I did not say it was impossible, just that it will probably never happen 
in AspectJ. ;) What you show is normal method interception, not operator 
interception. Smthe example is not really relevant. Besides, you never know 
what a compiler might do with arithmetic operations optimisation-wise. 
Multiplication by powers of 2 might get replaced by left-shift operations (just 
making up an example). I do not even say that what you suggest might not be 
useful in so e rare and special cases, I just think it is way to fine-granular 
for AOP purposes. I think your example is rather academic than useful in daily 

Alexander Kriegisch

Am 07.01.2013 um 10:34 schrieb "M. P." <>:

>>> For example I'd like to be able to select integer subtraction:
>>> Integer i = 5;
>>> Integer j = 2;
>>> Integer r = i - j;
>>> Maybe if Java supported operator overloading that would be fairly easy.
>>> 1. So is something like this possible now? I'm pretty sure it is not.
>> You are right, it is not possible.
>>> 2. Would this be possible to implement? How? Effort?
>>> 3. Is something like this planned for future AspectJ versions?
>> I cannot speak for the developers, but I do not think you will ever see this 
>> feature in AspectJ.
>> Regards
> I'm not sure I see why not. Please consider the following example:
> public aspect StringConcat {
>     public pointcut concat() : call(* java.lang.StringBuffer.append(..));
>     before() : concat() {
>         System.out.println("About to concatenate!");
>     }
> }
> public class Tester {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>         String a = "a";
>         String b = "b";
>         System.out.println(a + b);
>     }
> }
> When main() is executed the result is:
> =======================
> About to concatenate!
> ab
> =======================
> So we actually have a real example where the + operator is overloaded and the 
> resulting code is directly in the client byte code.
> Now I'm not too familiar with the Java byte code spec but I don't see why the 
> same cannot be done for e.g. Integer or event the primitive types?
> Thank you.
> MP
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