Or you could use com.nested.my.concurrent.*.* (depending on your needs -
Alexanders will choose everything below the prefix, the .*.* is more
selective). If you want to you can also combine it with the type category
type pattern:

"com.nested.my.concurrent.*.* && is(InnerType)"
"com.nested.my.concurrent..* && is(InnerType)"


On 2 April 2013 07:51, Alexander Kriegisch <alexan...@kriegisch.name> wrote:

> com.nested.my.concurrent.*
> No, this does neither capture inner classes nor classes in subpackages.
> You can capture both with
>     com.nested.my.concurrent..*
> If you need to be more specific, you can still concatenate subconditions
> with "||".
> Alexander Kriegisch
> Am 02.04.2013 um 16:23 schrieb Jean Andre <jean.an...@intact.net>:
> Hello Andy,
> Thank you very much for your answer. I've studied your code. It does not
> work from our side because we do not specify a particular class but all
> classes from a specific packages. We use  "com.nested.my.concurrent.*"which 
> means for us, If I do not make a mistake, all classes from this
> package ? and then also the inner classes. But it seems it does not work
> like this.
> So the other question, does it mean we have to declare in a separate
> aspect (physical file) to avoid such duplicate mixin because in the code
> below, the class CiaWebThreadFactory has 2 mixins - One from the
> "com.nested.my.concurrent.*" and the second from
> "com.nested.my.concurrent.CiaWebThreadFactory.*"
> Then does it means there is  no syntax to targeted class and inner class
> at the same time by specifying only "all.classes.from.this.package.*"  ?
> @Aspect
> *public* *class* LoggingConcurrentBehavior *extends* LoggingBaseBehavior {
>         @DeclareMixin("com.nested.my.concurrent.*")
>         *public* *static* Loggable createLoggerDelegate(Object o) {
>                 *return* *new* ServantLogger(o.getClass());
>         }
>         @DeclareMixin("com.nested.my.concurrent.CiaWebThreadFactory.*")
>         *public* *static* Loggable createLoggerDelegate2(Object o) {
>                 *return* *new* ServantLogger(o.getClass());
>         }
> Regards,
> Jean ANDRÉ
> De :        Andy Clement <andrew.clem...@gmail.com>
> A :        aspectj-users@eclipse.org,
> Date :        2013-04-01 11:05
> Objet :        Re: [aspectj-users] @DeclareMixin with inner class -
> Syntax ?
> Envoyé par :        aspectj-users-boun...@eclipse.org
> ------------------------------
> Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I was at eclipsecon. I tried to scaffold
> your situation but it just works for me.  Are you loadtime weaving or
> compile time weaving? Here is my complete code:
> === CiaWebThreadFactory.java
> package com.foo.bar;
> public class CiaWebThreadFactory {
>   public static void main(String []argv) {
>     new CiaWebThreadGroup().foo();
>     System.out.println("works");
>   }
>   static class CiaWebThreadGroup {
>     public void foo() {
>       Loggable cwtg = ((Loggable)new CiaWebThreadGroup());
>       cwtg.log("hello");
>     }
>   }
> }
> === Loggable.java
> package com.foo.bar;
> interface Loggable {
>   void log(String msg);
> }
> === ServantLogger.java
> package com.foo.bar;
> class ServantLogger implements Loggable {
>   public ServantLogger(Class clazz) {
>     System.out.println("ServantLogger for "+clazz.getName());
>   }
>   public void log(String message) { System.out.println(message);}
> }
> === LoggingConcurrentBehaviour.java
> package com.foo.bar;
> import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;
> @Aspect
> class LoggingConcurrentBehaviour {
>   //works:
> @DeclareMixin("com.foo.bar.CiaWebThreadFactory.CiaWebThreadGroup")
>   @DeclareMixin("com.foo.bar.CiaWebThreadFactory.*")
>   public static Loggable createLoggerDelegate(Object o) {
>     return new ServantLogger(o.getClass());
>   }
> }
> ===
> ajc -1.5 *.java -d . -showWeaveInfo
> Mixing interface 'com.foo.bar.Loggable' (LoggingConcurrentBehaviour.java)
> into type 'com.foo.bar.CiaWebThreadFactory$CiaWebThreadGroup'
> (CiaWebThreadFactory.java)
> Type 'com.foo.bar.CiaWebThreadFactory$CiaWebThreadGroup'
> (CiaWebThreadFactory.java) has intertyped method from
> 'com.foo.bar.LoggingConcurrentBehaviour'
> (LoggingConcurrentBehaviour.java:'void
> com.foo.bar.Loggable.log(java.lang.String)')
> and then when I run it:
> java com.foo.bar.CiaWebThreadFactory
> ServantLogger for com.foo.bar.CiaWebThreadFactory$CiaWebThreadGroup
> hello
> works
> In terms of mixin pattern matching I was using:
>  @DeclareMixin("com.foo.bar.CiaWebThreadFactory.*")
> and that was fine (as you can see from the weave info messages).
> I tried AspectJ 1.7.2 and 1.6.12 - worked on both.
> If you can perhaps edit my code to be more representative of your failing
> sample, I could investigate further. I wouldn't be surprised if there were
> inner class problems (I half expected my code to fail) but at the moment
> I'm not having luck finding problems.
> cheers
> Andy
> On 25 March 2013 10:07, Jean Andre 
> <*jean.an...@intact.net*<jean.an...@intact.net>>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> A quick question, is it possible to declare Mixin (@DeclareMixin) in
> order to have it in inner class ? If yes, we have difficulty to find the
> right syntax.
> We use aspectJ 1.6.12 under WAS
> Here is our stuff - The mixin is perform well for the class 
> *CiaWebThreadFactory
> but *not for the inner class. We have tried different syntax without any
> success.
> Any help ? - and if we have several inner class, is there a shortcu to
> catch all of them in a single syntax ?
> Thank you very much.
> JA
> ===========================================
> ===========================================
> @Aspect *
> public* *class* LoggingConcurrentBehavior *extends* LoggingBaseBehavior {
>         @DeclareMixin("com.intact.my.concurrent.*")
>         *public* *static* Loggable createLoggerDelegate(Object o) {
>                 *return* *new* ServantLogger(o.getClass());
>         }
>  .....
> }
> *
> package* com.intact.my.concurrent;
> ====================================================
> ====================================================
> *
> public* *final* *class* CiaWebThreadFactory *implements* ThreadFactory {
>         /**
>          * The name of the thread group. e.g: CiaWebGroup
>          * *@see* java.lang.ThreadGroup
>          */
>         *private* *final* ThreadGroup threadGroup;
>         /**
>  .....
>         }
>         *public* *static* *final class* CiaWebThreadGroup 
> *extends*ThreadGroup {
>                 *public* *void* uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
>                         // AspectJ point cut - Please, do not remove -
> Log4J here.
>                 }
>         }
> }
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