Hi Andy,

> Now instead of that what you can do is not use @within - this is not
ideal but I'm just mentioning it - change annotatedClass() to:

> "execution(* (@RequiredUserDetails *).*(..))"

Seems to work great.  Although I have to admit that I am not entirely sure
as to why/how that pointcut works.  How is that picking up everything that
is in an annotated class?

I'm not sure what or how (@RequiredUserDetails *) picks up the right



On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Andy Clement <andrew.clem...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I found a few mins.
> So within() is a lexical thing. Your pointcut is:
> "testMethod() && (annotatedClass() || annotatedMethod()"
> The testMethod() part is matching but neither of the other two are. That
> is because the ITD'd method is not within the target, it is 'within' the
> declared aspect.  So doing @within(RequiredUserDetails) isn't going to
> match because the aspect doesn't have @RequiredUserDetails on.  Now you
> could add it to confirm what I'm saying but then you'll hit a real bug if
> you try. The use of privileged in the aspect declaration is breaking
> support for annotations on the aspect, so to confirm what I'm saying, add
> @RequiredUserDetails and remove the 'privileged' word.
> Now instead of that what you can do is not use @within - this is not ideal
> but I'm just mentioning it - change annotatedClass() to:
> "execution(* (@RequiredUserDetails *).*(..))"
> cheers,
> Andy
> On 21 April 2014 14:42, Andy Clement <andrew.clem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry, I just haven't had a chance to have a look. Probably worth logging
>> an AspectJ bug in bugzilla so it is appropriately tracked as an issue.
>> cheers,
>> Andy
>> On 17 April 2014 21:44, Eric B <ebenza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> Have you had a chance to look at this at the sample application at all (
>>> https://github.com/benze/AspectJUnitTestError)?  Is this an aspectJ bug
>>> or a limitation?  Or am I doing something wrong?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Eric
>>> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Eric B <ebenza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>> I've created a sample application that demonstrates this problem.  I've
>>>> uploaded it to GitHub.  I pulled this from a working project, but have
>>>> tried to make it as simple & basic as possible to illustrated the problem.
>>>>  You can find it here:
>>>> https://github.com/benze/AspectJUnitTestError.git
>>>> Basically, the pointcut is supposed to advise any methods in a class
>>>> that is annotated with my custom annotation and the @Test annotation.  In
>>>> the *Roo*.aj aspect, a @Test method is crosscut into the class and yet the
>>>> advice is not called for that method.
>>>> You can quickly see that the test for the crosscut method fails.
>>>> Please let me know if you have any questions.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eric
>>>> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Andy Clement 
>>>> <andrew.clem...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> I presume all these aspects are being compiled together with the code.
>>>>> You shouldn't have to worry about that order the aspects are applied in -
>>>>> yes there are ITDs but the weaver considers the system as a whole and will
>>>>> apply the aspects to ITD'd methods as well as existing methods:
>>>>> public class Code {
>>>>>   public void moo(String s) {}
>>>>> }
>>>>> aspect X {
>>>>>   public void Code.boo(String s) {}
>>>>> }
>>>>> aspect Y {
>>>>>   before(): execution(* *(String)) {}
>>>>> }
>>>>> > ajc -showWeaveInfo Code.java X.java Y.java
>>>>> Join point 'method-execution(void Code.boo(java.lang.String))' in Type
>>>>> 'X' (X.java:2) advised by before advice from 'Y' (Y.java:2)
>>>>> Type 'Code' (Code.java) has intertyped method from 'X' (X.java:'void
>>>>> Code.boo(java.lang.String)')
>>>>> Join point 'method-execution(void Code.moo(java.lang.String))' in Type
>>>>> 'Code' (Code.java:2) advised by before advice from 'Y' (Y.java:2)
>>>>> Precedence only affects advice, not ITDs. The advice is being applied
>>>>> to the ITDs, not to what you imagine is happening under the covers (the
>>>>> methods being stuffed into the target, hence you think you need to get 
>>>>> that
>>>>> done first). All ITDs (and declares) are processed to ensure the type
>>>>> system is coherent and then the advice is applied.
>>>>> I feel like we used to have problems in this area but I thought they
>>>>> were all fixed up.  Worth raising an AspectJ issue. If you can provide a
>>>>> simple test case that shows it failing (unlike mine which shows it 
>>>>> working)
>>>>> that would be really useful.  Maybe if any of the annotations you are
>>>>> triggering on are being applied by declare, try putting them directly on
>>>>> the methods of interest and temporarily removing the declare - does that
>>>>> make a difference. It may be the interplay between declare/itd and advice.
>>>>> cheers,
>>>>> Andy
>>>>> On 3 April 2014 18:37, Eric B <ebenza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm using Roo and Compile Time Weaving for my application.  One of
>>>>>> the classes that Roo has generated is my `UserIntegrationTest`:
>>>>>>     @RooIntegrationTest(entity = User.class)
>>>>>>     @WebAppConfiguration
>>>>>>     @ActiveProfiles("test")
>>>>>>     @DirtiesContext
>>>>>>     @RequiredUserDetails(roles=Role.ROOT)
>>>>>>     public class UserIntegrationTest {
>>>>>>     @Test
>>>>>>     public void myTestMethod(){
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> Most of the code is all in the Roo generated ITD:
>>>>>>     privileged aspect UserIntegrationTest_Roo_IntegrationTest {
>>>>>>         declare @type: UserIntegrationTest:
>>>>>> @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class);
>>>>>>         declare @type: UserIntegrationTest:
>>>>>> @ContextConfiguration(locations =
>>>>>> "classpath*:/META-INF/spring/applicationContext*.xml");
>>>>>>         declare @type: UserIntegrationTest: @Transactional;
>>>>>>         @Autowired
>>>>>>         UserDataOnDemand UserIntegrationTest.dod;
>>>>>>         @Autowired
>>>>>>         UserService UserIntegrationTest.userService;
>>>>>>         @Autowired
>>>>>>         UserRepository UserIntegrationTest.userRepository;
>>>>>>         @Test
>>>>>>         public void UserIntegrationTest.testCountAllUsers() {
>>>>>>             Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'User' failed to
>>>>>> initialize correctly", dod.getRandomUser());
>>>>>>             long count = userService.countAllUsers();
>>>>>>             Assert.assertTrue("Counter for 'User' incorrectly
>>>>>> reported there were no entries", count > 0);
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>         ...
>>>>>>         ...
>>>>>>         ...
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> I've written my own aspect to handle my `@RequiredUserDetails`
>>>>>> annotation.  My pointcut specifies any `@Test` method in a class that is
>>>>>> annotated with `@RequiredUserDetails`.  Although the pointcut works fine
>>>>>> for any methods declared in the main class (ie: `MyTestMethod()`), it 
>>>>>> does
>>>>>> not pick up any of the methods in the ITD.
>>>>>>     @Aspect
>>>>>>     public class RequiredUserDetailsAspect {
>>>>>>     /**
>>>>>>      * Defines any public <code>@Test</code> method
>>>>>>      */
>>>>>>     @Pointcut("execution(public * *(..)) &&
>>>>>> @annotation(org.junit.Test)")
>>>>>>     public void testMethod() {};
>>>>>>     /**
>>>>>>      * Anything with the {@link RequiredUserDetails} annotation on
>>>>>> the method
>>>>>>      */
>>>>>>     @Pointcut("@annotation(RequiredUserDetails)")
>>>>>>     public void annotatedMethod(){};
>>>>>>     /**
>>>>>>      * Anything with the {@link RequiredUserDetails} annotation on
>>>>>> the class
>>>>>>      */
>>>>>>     @Pointcut("@within(RequiredUserDetails)")
>>>>>>     public void annotatedClass(){};
>>>>>>     @Before("testMethod() && (annotatedClass() ||
>>>>>> annotatedMethod())")
>>>>>>     public void authenticateUser(JoinPoint jp){
>>>>>>     // check for any class annotations
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> I would have expected that given Roo ITDs are being CTW, my aspect
>>>>>> would apply to those methods as well.  I am presuming that my aspect is
>>>>>> woven before the Roo aspect and consequently doesn't see Roo's ITDs as 
>>>>>> part
>>>>>> of my class.
>>>>>> Is there a way to either ensure that Roo's ITDs are woven before my
>>>>>> own aspects or to ensure that my pointcut applies to the Roo ITDs as 
>>>>>> well?
>>>>>> I've tried adding `@DeclarePrecedence` to the top of the aspect, but
>>>>>> either it is not working as I hoped, or I have it defined incorrectly as 
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> has made no difference.
>>>>>>     @Aspect
>>>>>>     @DeclarePrecedence("**.*Roo*, RequiredUserDetailsAspect")
>>>>>>     public class RequiredUserDetailsAspect {
>>>>>>       ...
>>>>>>       ...
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Eric
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