First time I've ever looked at that bit of code but I do see the code says
this in the WeavingAdaptor:

*protected* *void* *createMessageHandler*() {

messageHolder = *new* WeavingAdaptorMessageHolder(*new* PrintWriter(System.

So all messages sent to that message handler will go to System.err,
regardless of severity. That seems a bit crappy. I guess presumably it was
done to avoid messages messing up whatever your app was doing on System.out
(possibly even just to make testing easier - look for app output on
System.out and look for weaver output on System.err).

It should be configurable but right now I can't see any way you can
influence it.


On 6 October 2016 at 11:36, Eric B <> wrote:

> I'm using AspectJ 1.6 with JBoss 4.2.1 configured with LoadTimeWeaving.
> I have added the aspectjweaver.jar to the startup parameters:
>  -javaagent:c:/dev/Java/aspectj1.6/lib/aspectjweaver.jar
> AspectJ is properly loaded and indeed is weaving my classes as
> desired/expected.  However, any weaveinfo data that it is producing is
> being logged as an "Error" as it appears in the stderr stream instead of
> the stdout:
> 2016-10-06 13:31:40,310 ERROR [STDERR] [UnifiedClassLoader3@333cf5e3]
> weaveinfo Join point 'method-call(business.impl.BusinessContext
> business.ejb3.ManagerBean.getBusinessContext(izone.
> business.BusinessContextInfo))' in Type 'business.ejb3.ManagerBean'
> ( advised by afterThrowing advice from
> ''
> (
> According to the JBoss documentation, System.err stream is redirected into
> a category called STDERR, which is what I see above.
> Is there a way to configure the weaver to output on stdout instead?  Or is
> it working this way by design?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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