A few more tests and, not surprisingly, I got no further:
@Pointcut("execution(public static *
business.security.service.LoginManagerHelper.authenticateUser(..)) && args(
username, ..)")
public void authenticateUser(String username){}

@Pointcut("execution(public static *
webapp.util.LoginManagerAction.loginJAAS(..)) && args( *, *, username, ..)"
public void loginJAAS(String username) {}
@Before("authenticateUser(username) || loginJAAS(username)" )
public void setUsername(JoinPoint jp, String username) {
// inject the username into the MDC

Not surprisingly, this produces the exact same results.

Is this a bug, or just me doing this incorrectly?


On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Eric B <ebenza...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just posted this on StackOverflow, but then realized I might have better
> success asking a specific question like this here:
> I've got an pointcut that I am trying to use with LTW.  I have 2 methods
> that I am trying to advise, each with a different parameter list.  However,
> they both have a single common parameter that I want.
> These are the method signatures I want to advise:
>        public static WorkflowModifierFlags authenticateUser(String
> username, String password, String ip, boolean webGUI, boolean
> realAuthentication)
>        public static boolean loginJAAS(HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response, String username, String password, HttpSession
> session)
> I've tried the following pointcut/advice, but it is failing; the username
> variable is sometimes getting injected with the IP address (ie: the args()
> from the first pointcut).
>     @Before("(execution(public static * business.security.service.
> LoginManagerHelper.authenticateUser(..)) && args( username, ..)) || "
>     + "(execution(public static * webapp.util.
> LoginManagerAction.loginJAAS(..)) && args( *, *, username, ..))" )
>     public void setUsername(JoinPoint jp, String username) {
>     // inject the username into the MDC
>     MDCUtils.setUsername(username);
>     }
> I would have expected that the `args()` parameter is associated to the
> execution() method, but sometimes it would appear that it is "confused",
> and gives me the IP instead of the username.
> Am I using AspectJ incorrectly, or is this a bug in the LTW?  I'm running
> AspectJ 1.6.13.
> Thanks,
> Eric
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