Fantastic!!!  Thank you for fixing!  How long does it take a SNAPSHOT to
make it to release?

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 3:25 PM, Andy Clement <>

> It is fixed up. It was the order of processing as suspected, it can also
> vary on the same OS ( I can make it fail on my mac by passing A last ).
> Because ordering is not supposed to be important we don’t sort source file
> inputs. This means you can be at the mercy of what your JVM decides to do.
> As types go through the compilation pipeline they are initially represented
> by an eclipse type then later on by a binary byte code based type.  The
> code to verify the rules of declare parents was encountering one of the
> types in one form when it worked and in the other when it failed.
> if you grab a 1.8.13.BUILD-SNAPSHOT from the maven repo
> then you’ll pick up the fix. I confirmed that
> fixes your sample.
> cheers,
> Andy
> On Nov 1, 2017, at 12:05 PM, Jason Britton <> wrote:
> Thanks for investigating.  What's strange is I'm using IntelliJ on a Mac
> (using the Maven project) and I get the compilation error.
> On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Andy Clement <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the test project. It compiled fine for me on Mac but then I
>> thought I’d try windows and sure enough over there it fails. It may be the
>> order of the processing of the files (which can vary across OS), digging
>> into it now.
>> Andy
>> On Oct 31, 2017, at 4:41 PM, Jason Britton <> wrote:
>> Hi Andy -
>> Thanks for looking into.  I've created a public github repo with a maven
>> project that recreates the issue here:
>> itton/aspectj-generics-issue
>> Let me know if you are able to reproduce.  Thanks!
>> Jason
>> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 1:19 PM, Andy Clement <>
>> wrote:
>>> I recall in the early days of AspectJ 5 we had a mountain of issues like
>>> this, but I thought they’d all been ironed out !
>>> Hmm, I guess there must be a little more to it, here are my source files
>>> that simulate what you wrote:
>>> ---
>>> import java.util.*;
>>> interface A<T extends BaseT,I extends BaseI> {
>>> T setInputs(List<I> inputs);
>>> }
>>> ---
>>> import java.util.*;
>>> public class AlreadyImplementsA {
>>> public ConcreteTImpl setInputs(List<ConcreteIImpl> inputs) {
>>> return null;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ---
>>> interface BaseI {}
>>> ---
>>> interface BaseT {}
>>> ---
>>> class ConcreteIImpl implements BaseI {}
>>> ---
>>> class ConcreteTImpl implements BaseT {}
>>> ---
>>> public aspect BindInterfaceA {
>>>   declare parents: AlreadyImplementsA implements A<ConcreteTImpl,
>>> ConcreteIImpl>;
>>> }
>>> ---
>>> -> ajc -1.8
>>> -outjar code.jar
>>> -> ajc -inpath code.jar -showWeaveInfo -outjar
>>> code2.jar
>>> Extending interface set for type 'AlreadyImplementsA'
>>> ( to include 'A<ConcreteTImpl,ConcreteIImpl>'
>>> (
>>> -> javap -classpath code2.jar AlreadyImplementsA
>>> Compiled from ""
>>> public class AlreadyImplementsA implements A {
>>> Are you applying the aspect via binary weaving?  I do notice a
>>> difference in separate compilation vs all source:
>>> -> ajc -1.8 *.java -showWeaveInfo -outjar foo.jar
>>> Extending interface set for type 'AlreadyImplementsA'
>>> ( to include 'A<ConcreteTImpl,ConcreteIImpl>'
>>> (
>>> -> javap -classpath foo.jar AlreadyImplementsA
>>> Compiled from ""
>>> public class AlreadyImplementsA implements A<ConcreteTImpl,
>>> ConcreteIImpl> {
>>> Note that in the binary weaving case the type parameters are missing on
>>> the implements clause.
>>> How are you building it? Can you adapt my steps above to show the fault.
>>> cheers,
>>> Andy
>>> On Oct 30, 2017, at 2:11 PM, Jason Britton <> wrote:
>>> Hi -
>>> I'm running into a perplexing issue with AJC and I'm hoping someone else
>>> has seen this before.
>>> The target of my aspect is the class AlreadyImplementsA, we are simply
>>> wanting to throw the 'implements A' onto this class.  AlreadyImplementsA
>>> class already does indeed  implement every method defined by the interface
>>> A but for whatever reason, AJC complains that AlreadyImplementsA does Not
>>> implement A because of the method
>>>     T setInputs(List<I> inputs);
>>> I can have a whole multitude of other methods defined on the interface
>>> and AJC does not complain, it seems to have a problem with the fact that
>>> the argument to the method on the interface is an Interface (List) with a
>>> generic I.  As I have other AJC issues where the method argument is a Map
>>> of a generic type and AJC blows up on it as well.
>>> My aspect below
>>> public aspect BindInterfaceA {
>>>     declare parents: AlreadyImplementsA implements A<ConcreteTImpl, 
>>> ConcreteIImpl>;
>>> }
>>> My interface *A* referenced above has an interface method defined as shown 
>>> below
>>> public interface A<T extends BaseT, I extends BaseI> {
>>>     T setInputs(List<I> inputs);
>>> }
>>> The 'exact' AJC error message is
>>> AlreadyImplementsA must implement the inherited abstract method 
>>> A<ConcreteTImpl, ConcreteIImpl>.setInputs(Pjava/util/list<LConcreteIImpl;>;)
>>> I am almost positive the problem all boils down to an interface with a 
>>> generic being passed as a argument to the method (List<I> inputs) in our 
>>> case, which is causing AJC problems.
>>> Thanks for any advice you might have on getting past this.
>>> Jason
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