> Yes an allArgs designator would be nice to have which would simplify
> the things. My workaround using the ThreadLocal is enough for now as
> it would unblock the use case but it was also nice to know the
> workaround only using AspectJ even though my code is in an application
> using Spring framework and unfortunately Spring doesn’t support
> percflow instantiation model.

Well, you asked on the AspectJ mailing list, I had no idea it was about
Spring AOP. But AspectJ can be used from within Spring instead of or in
combination with Spring AOP, as described in this Spring manual chapter:


> Regarding the designator I haven’t created any issue on Bugzilla and
> let the decision to be made by Andy Clement about the issue and its
> priority :)

Well, if you don't create the ticket it will surely be forgotten. If you
do create it, it will still be Andy to decide about it. But obviously it
is not so important for you because workarounds do exist in both AspectJ
and Spring AOP, even though they involve manual bookkeeping. So we can
close this issue. It was a nice discussion, talk to you next time.

Alexander Kriegisch

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