> Of course, this is hard to detect by a compiler such as Ajc, but if there was 
> an option to force inlining the around advice for the constructor, this 
> scheme would work. So my questions are:
> Is there such an option? I did not find any obvious compiler switch.
> If not, do you see any chance to implement it, given technical feasibility?
The only force option you have is -XnoInline which forces the opposite of what 
you want ;)

Not 100% sure but the check about who can initially set some of those fields 
seems more policed lately than in older versions of Java. (There have been a 
few bugs reported about the ajc specific static initializer block setting final 
static fields that never triggered an access error before. I hadn’t seen it 
with instance fields though until you showed this).  What version of Java are 
you trying it on? Did you try it on Java 8 to compare? (Just out of interest, 
I’m not saying that is the fix).

I suspect we do need to do more inlining to fix this across the board.


> On May 21, 2020, at 2:52 AM, Alexander Kriegisch <alexan...@kriegisch.name> 
> wrote:
> Hi Andy.
> Today I got a tricky one. I thought about opening a Bugzilla ticket, but this 
> is actually more of a question, maybe a future feature request if what I want 
> is technically possible at all. So it depends on your answer if I shall open 
> a ticket or not.
> The requirement is simple (to explain, not to implement): I want to 
> around-advise constructors in order suppress any side effects from happening 
> there. The purpose would be to (ab)use AspectJ in order to create some kind 
> of mock object which does not do anything expensive while being constructed. 
> BTW, actually I am thinking about doing this with a library like ASM, but 
> first I wanted to play with AspectJ in order to see what is possible there 
> and create a proof of concept. But let me not get ahead of myself and set the 
> stage first:
> package de.scrum_master.app;
> public class Base {
>   protected final int id;
>   public Base(int id) {
>     System.out.println("Constructing Base -> " + this);
>     this.id <http://this.id/> = id;
>   }
> }
> package de.scrum_master.app;
> public class Sub extends Base{
>   private final String name;
>   public Sub(int id, String name) {
>     super(id);
>     System.out.println("Constructing Sub -> " + this);
>     this.name = name;
>   }
>   @Override
>   public String toString() {
>     return "Sub@" + this.hashCode() + " [name=" + name + ", id=" + id + "]";
>   }
> }
> package de.scrum_master.app;
> public class AnotherSub extends Base{
>   private final String name;
>   public AnotherSub(int id, String name) {
>     super(id);
>     System.out.println("Constructing AnotherSub -> " + this);
>     this.name = name;
>   }
>   @Override
>   public String toString() {
>     return "AnotherSub@" + this.hashCode() + " [name=" + name + ", id=" + id 
> + "]";
>   }
> }
> package de.scrum_master.aspect;
> import de.scrum_master.app.Base;
> import de.scrum_master.app.Sub;
> public aspect ConstructorAspect {
>   void around() : execution(Base+.new(..)) && target(Sub) {
>     return;
>   }
> }
> package de.scrum_master.app;
> public class Application {
>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>     System.out.println(new Sub(11, "Xander"));
>     System.out.println("----------");
>     System.out.println(new AnotherSub(22, "Someone"));
>   }
> }
> As you can see, I did the following:
> Create a base class Base with two subclasses Sub and AnotherSub.
> The aspect tries to
> suppress constructor execution for one Sub (with the intent to "mock" it, 
> just imagine its methods get advised by additional behaviour),
> but not for AnotherSub (not a mock target) of the subclasses.
> The aspect does this by
> making sure that super class constructors are also suppressed via 
> execution(Base+.new(..)),
> excluding anything that is not the target type via target(Sub) and finally
> simply not proceeding to the constructor by just returning from the around 
> advice.
> Now this works beautifully whenever creating a Sub instance, but fails 
> whenever creating an AnotherSub instance:
> Sub@1211076369 [name=null, id=0]
> ----------
> Constructing Base -> AnotherSub@1551870003 [name=null, id=0]
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Update to non-static 
> final field de.scrum_master.app.Base.id <http://de.scrum_master.app.base.id/> 
> attempted from a different method (init$_aroundBody0) than the initializer 
> method <init> 
> at de.scrum_master.app.Base.init$_aroundBody0(Base.java:8)
> at de.scrum_master.app.Base.<init>(Base.java:6)
> at de.scrum_master.app.AnotherSub.<init>(AnotherSub.java:7)
> at de.scrum_master.app.Application.main(Application.java:7)
> The explanation is pretty straightforward if we look at the console log and 
> the class definitions:
> The Base class has a final instance field.
> AspectJ factors the Base constructor code out into a private helper method 
> Base.init$_aroundBody0 and dispatches to it from the instrumented constructor 
> Base.<init> instead of initialising the field directly from there.
> While this does no harm for the "mock target" class Sub because there the 
> helper method is never called (the no-op around advice kicks),
> it fails miserably when creating an AnotherSub instance because then the 
> helper method does get called but a helper method must not violate the JVM 
> rule that final fields can only be initialised directly from a constructor 
> (or during declaration).
> Of course, this is hard to detect by a compiler such as Ajc, but if there was 
> an option to force inlining the around advice for the constructor, this 
> scheme would work. So my questions are:
> Is there such an option? I did not find any obvious compiler switch.
> If not, do you see any chance to implement it, given technical feasibility?
> Best regards
> -- 
> Alexander Kriegisch
> https://scrum-master.de <https://scrum-master.de/>
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