Hi  Alexander,

Thanks for your quick response.

We have added the below aspect, I believe it should not cause not much

@Pointcut("execution(* xx.xx.xx.xx.rest.customfilter.doFilter"

&& args(request,response,filterChain) && if()")

We used "around" the advice. Advice logic as below.

HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request;

    *if* (!req.getRequestURI().startsWith("/admin")) {

String shadowHeader = req.getHeader("XXX");

String rugsUuidHeader = req.getHeader("XXX");

*if* (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

logger.debug(shadowHeader + "--" + req.getRequestURI());


*if* (!StringUtil.*isEmpty*(shadowHeader)) {

xxxStore.*getInstance*().addContext(*new* xxxContext(shadowHeader));


} *else* *if* (!StringUtil.*isEmpty*(rugsUuidHeader)) {




*return* (jointPoint.proceed());

And another aspect on @Pointcut("execution( *
. in

This also around advice, inside we are doing if condition and log4j logging.

Could please advise below aspect is causing 30 ms latency, something else
we need to tune..?


Rajendra Bhat

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 5:43 AM Andy Clement <andrew.clem...@gmail.com>

> There is a patch (and github fork) here
> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=565450 that someone made
> that is supposed to help I think - it isn't integrated because I haven't
> had time to try it out and review it. If you feel like building an AspectJ
> to try it out, that might be more evidence we should get integrated sooner
> rather than later.
> Andy
> On Thu, 24 Sep 2020 at 20:18, Alexander Kriegisch <
> alexan...@kriegisch.name> wrote:
>> Hi Rajendra.
>> Thanks for the question and the hep dump screenshot. Compile time
>> weaving (CTW) would not solve your latency problem. In comparison to
>> load time weaving (LTW) you would only save time for class-loading
>> during application start-up. After LTW is done, the application's
>> performance should be the same as with CTW.
>> Memory consumption and performance impact of AspectJ are strongly
>> correlated with what your aspects do and how broadly they are applied to
>> the target classes. So I am afraid without seeing your aspect code
>> nobody will be able to help you. The number of aspects, pointcuts and
>> advice is way less relevant than scope (pointcut) and content (advice
>> method implementation) of the aspects as such. For example, a simple
>> advice like this can be potentially super expensive:
>> before() : call(* *(..)) {
>>   doSomeExpensiveLogging();
>>   useSomeExpensiveExternalResource();
>> }
>> Why? Because it would globally apply to each method call in your whole
>> application. This would be just as slow as if without AOP you would add
>> those method calls to each place in your code before calling methods. In
>> most cases it is not AspectJ as such which causes huge overhead (even
>> though both the runtime and the weaver of course consume a few
>> resources, which usually is no problem, but what the aspect does and how
>> many times. Hence, the problem usually sits in front of the keyboard,
>> even though it is of course possible that there is a memory leak or
>> other problem in AspectJ.
>> Bottom line: Please provide more information, especially full aspect
>> code. aop.xml would also be nice.
>> Regards
>> --
>> Alexander Kriegisch
>> https://scrum-master.de
>> Rajendra Bhat schrieb am 25.09.2020 09:36 (GMT +07:00):
>> > we observed around 10% latency overhead after adding aspectj LTW.
>> > during the heap dump I observed lot memory consumption related to the
>> > aspectj.
>> >
>> > Around 400 MB consumed by Aspecj, I have added 2 to 3 inteception.
>> >
>> > hereby attached heap dump details.
>> >
>> > please advise how to overcome on this..? We cannot use compile-time
>> > weaving, because we adding aspect on the external jar.
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Thanks and

Rajendra Bhat
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