I'll jump on the thread. Alexander has been doing some awesome (overdue)
work here, particularly around making it easier to keep pace with Java -
this has become even more urgent as the release cadence for Java has
accelerated. I don't see aspectj.dev as some rogue location, it is
Alexander working with me (well not really supported enough by me, but we
are communicating!) to get AspectJ to a better place for the future.  I can
see aspectj.dev replace repo.spring.io as the place for snapshot builds
going forward. With releases going into central as usual.  Alexanders work
means a Java 15/16 release is very close, when my plan was to just support
them all at the next LTS (17).

thanks Alexander!


On Wed, 28 Apr 2021 at 07:06, Matthew Adams <matt...@matthewadams.me> wrote:

> Awesome.  I'm also a long-time AspectJ user and occasional supporter (I'm
> a former SpringSource consultant from way back 2007-2008 and founding
> co-committer of Spring Data Cassandra).
> I've been working primarily in the Node.js space for the last 7+ years,
> but have been keeping a little bit of an eye on developments in the Java
> ecosystem.  Kotlin has really caught my eye, and, after having been spoiled
> in Java for so many years with AspectJ, I was hoping that I'd see
> first-class support for AOP in Kotlin via "AspectK" or something, since, by
> the time we ceased Java development, ajc was our only compiler, if you can
> believe it.
> I know this is a lot to ask because I've felt Andy's been way
> underresourced over the years and have truly feared the day Andy decides to
> hang it up, but I'd really like to see a new compiler akc, similar to ajc,
> only for Kotlin.
> Honestly, I don't understand why SpringSource/Pivotal/... doesn't allocate
> more resources to such a crucial and awesome technology as AspectJ.
> Further, given Spring's substantial adoption of Kotlin, why more effort
> hasn't gone into a sister/twin effort for AOP in Kotlin (what I call
> "AspectK").
> What will it take for AspectK to be recognized as necessary and resources
> allocated to it?
> > On Apr 28, 2021, at 2:43 AM, Alexander Kriegisch <
> alexan...@kriegisch.name> wrote:
> >
> > Hello AspectJ users community!
> >
> > You might know me as a fellow user who over the years asked or answered
> > questions, raised bugs or commented here. I also answer questions about
> > AspectJ and Spring AOP on StackOverflow, in order to unburden Andy
> > Clement as a maintainer from user support a little bit.
> >
> > Somewhat new is my role as an active contributor to the code bases of
> >  ** AspectJ,
> >  ** AJDT (AspectJ Development Tools) for Eclipse IDE,
> >  ** AspectJ Maven Plugin.
> >
> > It all started with reading source code because I did not understand
> > something or wanted to know how to fix a tiny issue, then baby step by
> > step it somehow escalated into adding Java 15+16 support to AspectJ,
> > Java 13-16 support to AspectJ Maven and making AJDT work with the new
> > AspectJ version in its belly on Eclipse IDE 4.19 (2021-03). All of this
> > stuff is available for you to test, feedback is welcome. As I do not
> > have commit and deploy rights on Eclipse projects (yet), I just set up a
> > little Maven repository on my domain aspectj.dev.
> >
> > More details in this comment I posted on a recently merged GitHub pull
> > request:
> >
> > https://github.com/eclipse/org.aspectj/pull/41#issuecomment-826066012
> >
> > Best regards
> > --
> > Alexander Kriegisch
> > https://scrum-master.de
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