Hello AspectJ users!

In lock-step with AspectJ 1.9.7.M3, I also just release AspectJ Maven
plugin 1.13.M3. It depends on the new AspectJ milestone, including its
AJdoc bugfix for JDK 8. See my previous message on this mailing list.

Kind regards
Alexander Kriegisch

Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 26.05.2021 13:38 (GMT +07:00):

> AspectJ Maven Plugin 1.13.M2 is available on Maven Central.
> It depends on AspectJ 1.9.7.M2 by default, i.e. it supports Java 15 and
> 16. If you need AspectJ support for those JDK versions, please upgrade
> the plugin version.
> Please note that the group ID has changed to 'dev.aspectj'. This will
> hopefully be the permanent home for AspectJ Maven. Sorry for the
> inconvenience, but previous maintainers have abandoned the plugin
> (including Mojohaus), so I had to use a new group ID. Otherwise, you use
> the plugin just like before:
> <plugin>
>   <groupId>dev.aspectj</groupId>
>   <artifactId>aspectj-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>   <version>1.13.M2</version>
>   ...
> </plugin>
> Because I also have started contributing to AspectJ a short while ago, I
> am hoping to keep AspectJ Maven in sync with new AspectJ versions and
> compiler features.
> I have not published a Maven site with plugin documentation yet, but on
> https://github.com/dev-aspectj/aspectj-maven-plugin you find a link to
> the old plugin documentation, also mention the few new features this
> plugin version has, namely:
>   -- <javaModules>   → CLI option --module-path
>   -- <enablePreview> → CLI option --enable-preview
> IntelliJ IDEA will support the new plugin ID in the next release, I
> already talked to JetBrains. I have not inquired about how Eclipse IDE
> identifies the plugin yet, so I am not sure if that will work out of the
> box. But you are fine with Maven.
> Please note: this is not some shady new fork but a continuation of the
> work of others (see also project history in the GitHub read-me) and the
> new official Maven plugin for AspectJ - well, as official as it can be
> as something not being a direct AspectJ sub-project.
> As soon as AspectJ 1.9.7 is out, I am also going to publish the final
> release of AspectJ Maven.
> Bestt regards
> -- 
> Alexander Kriegisch
> Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 24.05.2021 11:38 (GMT +07:00):
>> AspectJ 1.9.7.M2 is available on Maven Central.
>> It supports Java 15 and 16 language features, e.g.
>>   -- records,
>>   -- text blocks,
>>   -- pattern matching for instanceof,
>>   -- hidden classes,
>>   -- sealed classes (preview).
>> The available artifacts are:
>>   org.aspectj:aspectjtrt:1.9.7.M2
>>   org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:1.9.7.M2
>>   org.aspectj:aspectjtools:1.9.7.M2
>>   org.aspectj:aspectjmatcher:1.9.7.M2
>> You use them in Maven and Gradle as usual, e.g.
>>   <dependency>
>>     <groupId>org.aspectj</groupId>
>>     <artifactId>aspectjtrt</artifactId>
>>     <version>1.9.7.M2</version>
>>   </dependency>
>> I deployed the installer in the aspectj.dev repository for now,
>> because we do not publish it on Maven Central. You can download it
>> from:
>> https://aspectj.dev/maven/org/aspectj/installer/1.9.7.M2/installer-1.9.7.M2.jar
>> If you wish to verify checksums, you find them in the containing
>> folder: https://aspectj.dev/maven/org/aspectj/installer/1.9.7.M2/
>> Soon I am also going to publish an AspectJ Maven Plugin version based
>> on this AspectJ milestone release and announce it here on the mailing
>> list.
>> We are not planning to add any major new features before the final
>> release, so the current functionality is pretty much what will go into
>> the release. But we still have time for fixing bugs, while Eclipse
>> still performs some internal reviews, so your feedback is most
>> welcome.
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