Dear AspectJ users,

in sync with AspectJ 1.9.8.RC1 with Java 17 support, I have also released AspectJ Maven Plugin by in version 1.13.1. All important differences to the MojoHaus version are explained on the GitHub read-me page.

As usual, you find the plugin on Maven Central.

The most prominent new features in comparison to  the previous version 1.13 are:

  • The plugin now depends on AspectJ 1.9.8.RC1 by default, i.e. it fully supports Java 17 out of the box. This however requires you to run your Maven build on JDK 11+. If you wish to downgrade the AspectJ version and build on JDK 8, you can do so. The updated plugin overview and usage pages explain the background and how you can downgrade.
  • There is no upper bounds check anymore for source and target versions. I.e., in the future you do not need to upgrade the plugin just because you wish to an AspectJ compiler version supporting more recent Java versions. No matter if Java 18, 25 or 78, as long as you do not need new plugin features you can stay at the same AspectJ Maven version.

Enjoy building your AspectJ projects with Maven
Alexander Kriegisch

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