Dear AspectJ users,

we have just released 1.9.8.RC3. It is available on Maven Central already.

It fixes an Ant task problem from RC1 and RC2 as well as a compiler bug introduced in 1.9.5.

See AspectJ GitHub issue #95 for more information and for en example project showing how to upgrade to the latest AspectJ version when using dev.aspectj:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.13.1.

Enjoy AspectJ!

The AspectJ team


Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 14.11.2021 09:20 (GMT +01:00):

a few days ago we released 1.9.8.RC2.

It fixes an upstream Eclipse Compiler bug. See AspectJ GitHub issue #95 for more information and for en example project showing how to upgrade to the latest AspectJ version when using dev.aspectj:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.13.1.

To everyone: Please test it in as many projects as possible. Your feedback is welcome.


Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 11.10.2021 12:10 (GMT +02:00):

a couple of days ago we published the first release candidate for AspectJ 1.9.8 on Maven Central. If there are no blocker bugs, 1.9.8.RC1 might very well be identical to the final 1.9.8 release.

What is new since 1.9.7:

  • Cross-compilation via --release N now works as expected, see GitHub issue #70. This was never tested before since AspectJ 1.9.0 and has been fixed in 1.9.8.M1.
  • Java 17 is now supported as a compilation source and target version. Compared to the previously released developer version, we integrated the final Java 17 support from ECJ on top of JDT Core 3.27.
  • Due to upstream ECJ changes, now for compile-time or binary weaving you need to run the AJC compiler on JDK 11+. 1.9.8.M1 was the last version running on JDK 8.

Preliminary release notes are here.

The corresponding installer is available on


Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 28.07.2021 15:47 (GMT +02:00):

the AspectJ development team is pleased to announce that a few days ago we released version 1.9.8.M1, available on Maven Central. The new feature compared to 1.9.7 is that cross-compilation via --release N now works as expected, see GitHub issue #70. This was never tested before since AspectJ 1.9.0 and has been fixed. This little milestone release still supports up to JDK 16, no changes there.

Additionally, we have started integrating Java 17 early access releases by integrating the beta-17 Eclipse Java Compiler (ECJ) branch into a development branch. So if you use version 1.9.8-SNAPSHOT from Maven Central's snapshot repository as described in GitHub issue #79, you can compile Java 17 source code and create Java 17 class files. The compiler features go as far as the ECJ implementation has progressed so far. I noticed that the new preview feature JEP 406: Pattern Matching for switch in ECJ is not completely done yet, but that is to be expected from an EA version. Otherwise, it seems to be pretty stable already. All AspectJ tests except the JEP 406 ones are green.

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