<snip> I keep a set of custom dictionaries on my Windows-XP PC; "custom.dic",
> plus specific dictionaries for technical terms such as the scientific
> names of birds, or local place names.
> I then point various applications, such as MS Word and my e-mail client,
> to these, so that they check my typing against all of them, and add new
> words to custom.dic.
> Is it possible to do the same with Aspell; if not for all of them, at
> least for custom.dic?
Hi Andy,
I believe that you want a multi dictionary. If you look at your aspell.conf 
file, you should have a line that defines the file name of your root 
dictionary. My line looks like this:
master en_us.multi

You may have another line that defines the directory for the dictionary:
dict-dir c:\Aspell

If you define your root dictionary as a multi dictionary, you can add all the 
special purpose dictionaries that you want.

My en_us.multi file looks like this:

# Generated with Descriptive Data Diary
add master.rws

Just add an "add" line for each dictionary.

Note that the rws files need to be in dictionary directory and they must be 
compiled. See the user manual for aspell at www.aspell.net.

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