Hello, I'm new to Aspell. I'm looking for a dictionary SDK that can be used in 
my own application.

I'm writing an application for Mac OSX and I need to create a dylib from 
Aspell. I read the documentation which stated:

> Static libraries are disabled by default since static libraries will not work 
> right due to the mixing of C and C++.  When a C program links with the static 
> libraries in Aspell it is likely to crash because Aspell's C++ objects are 
> not getting initialized correctly.  However, if for some reason you want 
> them, you can enable them via `--enable-static'.

Using a static library is the only option I have because I would like to 
compile for iOS devices also. My program will be written in Objective-C with 
mixed C++. I assume I will not suffer from the warning in this message?

I tried the command:

> ./configure --enable-static
> make

.. but I couldn't find a dylib afterwards.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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