On 23.09.2011 20:27, Kevin Atkinson wrote:
On Fri, 23 Sep 2011, Timothy Madden wrote:

Now I have the problem that I do not know how to add a tex-command on
the command line to aspell list. As embedded in my .tex document, my
current command to check my text is:

\write 18
--add-tex-command="autoref p"
--add-tex-command="nameref p"
--add-tex-command="url p"
--add-tex-command="href opP"
--add-tex-command="hyperdef ppP"
--add-tex-command="write pp"

However something is wrong with the arguments because the arguments to
all those LaTeX commands (autoref, nameref, url, href, hyperdef,
write) are still being output by aspell list as being misspelled words.

What is the proper way to add a new TeX command on the aspell command
line ?

What you have should work. I suggest you try it manually to isolate the
problem. When I spot checked it, things seamed to work.

Indeed it seems to work for the most part, the problems are:
        - blocks within an argument
        - the \write18 TeX primitive

For the first case, if I have --add-tex-command="href opP" (which means the first 2 arguments to \href should not be checked) and the following text:

\href [pdfstartview={FitH 0}] {./file.html} {Link Text}

than it follows that `[pdfstartview={FitH 0}]` should not be checked. However I find that aspell still checks the block inside it, {FitH 0}. This may be desirable in some situations, but as this example shows, it can also be a problem in others.

Can this please be avoided ?

For the second case, \write18, in TeX a number terminates the name of a backslash command, so when I say \write18, what I really say is \write 18. That is the `\write` command, with the (first) argument `18`. The `\write` primitive in TeX has two arguments:
        - the write number, which is actually the file descriptor number
        - the string to be written to the given file.

However in the case of file descriptor 18, the descriptor is not an actual file, but a command line interpreter. That is, any data written to it in the normal way starts the command interpreter to to carry out the data as a command.

So \write18 {cmd ...} is actually \write 18 {cmd...}

The problem is that in either form aspell can not understand it as such, and with any of --add-tex-command="write pp" or --add-tex-command="write18 p", aspell wants to spell check {cmd ...} either way.

The next step would be to try `\write {18} {cmd ...}` and see what aspell can do. Such a form however is not accepted by TeX, which complains that {18} is not a number. The only way to get it working was
        \newcommand {\shellcmd} [1] {\write 18 {#1}}
The macro in turn may some implications related to LaTeX command expansion, if for example the {cmd ...} has some brace '}' or pipes '|' characters in the command line.

Is there some way to make aspell understand `\write 18 {cmd ...}` ? Can this be fixed ? Or can this case be documented in the tex mode/filter page in the documentation ?

Thank you,
Timothy Madden

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