For some reason, Aspell is trying to write to its own directory. One possible reason, among others, is that the %HOME% variable is not set.

Open a command line and type %HOME%. If the variable is not set, go to Systemsteuerung\System und Sicherheit\System -> Erweiterte Systemeinstellungen -> Umgebungsvariablen.

Under "Benutzervariablen," create a new variable %HOME% and assign it the value %USERPROFILE%.

I think this is what I did on my Win 7 machine, but I'm not 100% sure.

Am 11.10.2011 09:14, schrieb Dkfm. Kurt Mayer:
How can I avoid this error: "The file 'c:/program Files (x86)/Aspell/de.pws'
can not be opened fpr writing." I use Win7/64 OS.
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