
I've been attempting to get the pspell functions in PHP to work for a while now 
with no success.  I was directed by 
http://php.net/manual/en/function.pspell-new.php to "check out inline manual 
pspell website:ยป http://aspell.net/.";  This led me to conclude that I must 
install aspell in order to get the PHP pspell functions to work, so that's what 
I did.  Before proceeding, I shut down MAMP (Mac, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) to 
avoid any conflicts during the install process.

First, I installed aspell- as well as aspell6-en-7.1-0, doing the 
"./configure" and "make" and "sudo make install" steps for each.  I'm able to 
confirm from the terminal command line that aspell is actually working ("aspell 
help" yields a nice long list of command syntax, options, and available 

Next, I downloaded the PHP source code for php-5.3.6 (which is what my version 
of MAMP came with, and I didn't want to upset the apple cart by trying to 
change versions) then recompiled it using the following command:
        "./configure --prefix=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/bin 
--with-config-file-path=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/conf --with-pspell"
(NOTE: I was not able to supply the --with-pspell option with a directory 
because I couldn't figure out which directory it wanted.  I tried the directory 
returned by the command "which aspell" so it was 
"--with-pspell=/opt/local/bin/aspell" for me, but that caused this error 
"configure: error: Cannot find pspell".  So I simply left off the directory and 
it appeared to work.)
        sudo make install

After this, I restarted MAMP and it seemed to me that I should be able to use 
pspell_new() and then all the other pspell functions in PHP, but they're still 
not working.  By checking my PHP log file, I see this error: "PHP Fatal error:  
Call to undefined function pspell_new() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/test.php 
on line 23"

What am I missing here?  How come PHP isn't recognizing my aspell installation 
and using it for the pspell functions?

Thanks in advance,
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