Just had to reset the permissions in the folder. Then it worked fine.
Thank you,

On Fri, 2012-01-06 at 17:14 -0500, Swarup wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been using my Hindi aspell spellchecker for years in several
> laptops and netbooks using Ubuntu. I have just attempted to set it up in
> another new netbook and when trying to do the "./configure" step, to my
> surprise I receive the following error:
> atma@atma-N150P-N210P-N220P:~/aspell6-hi-0.02-0$ ./configure
> bash: ./configure: Permission denied
> atma@atma-N150P-N210P-N220P:~/aspell6-hi-0.02-0$ 
> What could this be due to, or how to approach the solution to this? This
> has never happened to me before when I was doing this install. "sudo"
> has never been required for this before, so I did not use it. "sudo" is
> only needed for the final step, right-- "sudo make install". But here I
> am being refused permission for the very first step.
> Thanks,
> Swarup
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