Pulling my hair out trying to get aspell to work as a utility.  I know the 
utility package is loaded.

[1] ".GlobalEnv"            "package:ThreeWay"      "package:smacof"
 [4] "package:colorspace"    "package:Hmisc"         "package:survival"
 [7] "package:splines"       "package:scatterplot3d" "package:rgl"
[10] "package:polynom"       "package:stats"         "package:graphics"
[13] "package:grDevices"     "package:utils"         "package:datasets"
[16] "package:methods"       "Autoloads"             "package:base"

Dummied up a very simple vector.

[1] "trying to understand"  "aspell spelllchecking"

When I try to run aspell I get the following error.

Error in aspell(TestingAspell) : No suitable spell check program found.

When I add a program = statement I get a different error.

               > aspell(TestingAspell,program=aspell)
Error in as.character(names) :
  cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'

>From my very limited understanding of R, type "closure" is an R function not 
>implemented inside the R system.  Do I need to load aspell into the util 
>package?  What am I missing here?


Philip Heinrich, MA, MBA
Research Manager - Academic Research Group
University of Phoenix
602-557-1783 - Voice
602-557-1854 - Fax

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