
I am on MSWindows with MSYS installed. I tried to install the aspell
English dictionnary, but I got the following error:

Finding Dictionary file location ... c:/Programme/GNU/Aspell/dict
Finding Data file location ... c:/Programme/GNU/Aspell/data
/usr/bin/prezip-bin -d < en-common.cwl | /usr/bin/aspell  --lang=en create 
master ./en-common.rws
Error: The key "affix" is unknown.
make: *** [en-common.rws] Error 1

Then I though that maybe my aspell is too old, my current version is:

@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell 0.50.3)

but I could not install the latest version, attached is my
build log.

The configure steps gives only a warning, but the make fails. 

Any feedback or help is welcome...


Attachment: vincentb1_build.log.gz
Description: Binary data

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