"Dragi colegi,
vara aceasta, Scoala de Vara Europeana organizata de Federatia
Europeana a Asociatiilor Studentesti de Psihologie (EFPSA) va avea loc
la Arcalia, Romania. 
Inscrierile au inceput deja!
se afla la a III-a editie si este organziat in colaborare cu COGNOSIS,
Federatia Asociatiilor Studentilor la Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei
din Romania.
Daca sunteti interesati, cititi informatiile de mai jos despre acest eveniment 
si intrati pe site pentru mai multe detalii."
"All European psychology students are invited participate the EFPSA European 
Summer School (ESS), which will be held in Arcalia, Romania between 19th and 
26th July, 2009. 

What is the EFPSA ESS?

The EFPSA ESS is a platform for psychology students to conduct research in 
their interested field. This year’s topic is SOCIAL INEQUALITIES. The ESS 
includes four lectures and seminars from experts in the field and six research 
groups led by PhD students.

 For further information, please go to ess.efpsa. org 

How to apply?

Download your application form from the website, and attach it with your CV to 
the ESS Team (summersch...@efpsa.org) .

The deadline is now extended to 16th May, 2009."
Alisia MuresanMail / YM: alisia.mure...@yahoo.com
National Representative al COGNOSIS  in EFPSA www.cognosis.rowww.efpsa.org


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