You are a student and recruitment seems to be a good alternative for you when 
you graduate University? Have you asked yourself what a Recruiter does in real 
life and how much of what you learn in school you will actually apply?
Use our experience and find out the difference between theory and practice!

We propose you one day to talk and share with those who work in this field and 
you will find out enough to be able to decide if recruitment is indeed a career 
option for you.
You may also use this inside experience to get more prepared as a candidate for 
a job interview, having known what recruiters are actually looking for.

Target group:


      Students of faculties with psychological, economical, social sciences 
profile but not exclusively

      University graduates who wish to have a career in the field of 
recruitment and selection or more generally in human resources

      Any person interested in what recruitment and selection really mean

Training agenda:


      What does recruitment mean and what are the types of jobs related to this 

      What are the activities in which a recruiter gets involved (recruitment 
agency or a company HR department)

      Steps followed in a recruitment process. Exercise for a job description

            establishing a candidate' profile for the position in recruitment

            useful resources: job description analysis, research about the 
company/client department, recruitment resources

            drafting and posting the recruitment advertisement

            active search of candidates

            CVs screening

            phone interview and face to face interview (job presentation, 
salary discussion, what do you observe and note down during an interview)

            selection of candidates for short list

      Communication with internal/external client

We are not trying to convince you that this is what suits you, but we will 
definitely help you know yourself better, on what your career path is concerned.

The training will take place in our office, right in the interview room, the 
atmosphere being more than open and friendly. We know you need to get to your 
school classes or maybe to your job during the week, therefore you can join us 
for the training on Friday or Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm. Check our calendar 
for the planned dates at

Training investment: 150 RON/pers


10% for students from the same faculty, organization that subscribe together;
10% for those who attend for a second time a VON Consulting training.

How to apply?

Send a mail to stating your name, age, university and 
year of studies.
Please confirm your attendance minimum 2 days before each training. 

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