Caut sa formez o echipa de 2-3 persoane, cel mai bine studenti/studente la 
psihologie, care sa lucreze in special stimulare senzoriala cu o fetita de 3 
ani cu dizabilitati multiple. Lucrul se face la domiciliu si evident, contra 
Zona: Romancierilor (Dr Taberei) 

Diana Costache

Some say the world will end in fire;
 Some say in ice. 
>From what I've tasted of desire 
I hold with those who favor fire. 
But if it had to perish twice, 
I think I know enough of hate 
To say that for destruction ice 
Is also great 
And would suffice
(Robert Frost) 
Cand spun cuiva te iubesc, spun tu nu vei muri niciodata. (Gabriel Marcel)
Simte cu Natura!



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