Title: Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce
At 9:51 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:
Where there is a will there is a way.

****  Right. But the will does not fall from the sky. It is developed. If the desi-emigrants' progeny are apathetic about the land of their forefathers, that might be because the parents didn't care about to it to begin with, or did not care to inculcate the will in their progeny. There are of course more than one reason for that. But what I cite is certainly one.

China has a far poor track record - starting with the Tiannmen Square massacre.

**** It is another typically broad-brush judging from tiny sampling.

Then they still have a non elected regime

**** That goes to prove that 'elected' regimes cannot  necessarily  produce results, particularly when the election system is as defective as the desi one is. 'Election' cannot and do not produce  progress by itself. It is merely a process for selecting the drivers of engines of progress. If the drivers, the pilots are inept or untrained or undisciplined or operate in an environment of low expectations or no expectations, then you cannot possibly get to your destination, can you?

and One Child policy - and lotsof corruption at top level .

**** But still they still left India decades behind in a short span of time, didn't they?

 Even then Chinese Americans are finding ways to do things for their place of birth.

**** What does that tell you?

 ALL the Indian AMerican kids - born in USA I have met -- all find it rude when I say that they are NOT Indian.

**** That is a nuanced matter. The label 'Indian' has more than one meaning.
Their reactions might be dependent on the context you judged them on. Perhaps some of their customs, their food habits are subcontinental. Perhaps they look sub-continental. They certainly are not Indian Nationals. Their social, religious, cultural mores may not be Indian like anymore.

But most of all, to judge someone on the basis of a chance or short encounter is indeed RUDE. Perhaps your experiences are results of such judging.

 Why? Becos here everyone is known by the land of their origin.

**** Really? How many people do you know in the USA  enough to make that judgement U?

 Also many NRI girls are going back to India to become film actresses - such as Bipasha Basu (Canadian), Ruby Bhatia (Canadian) , Katrina kaif (UK) etc.

**** Really? That sure as heck is a surprise for me. Obviously you know a heck
of a lot more about our children than the likes of myself do :-).

Anyway, tell me U, does MANY consist of Bipasha Basu (Canadian), Ruby Bhatia (Canadian) , Katrina kaif (UK) ? I am a statistically challenged person. In fact I barely passed the subject in college. But even I know that your assessment is ridiculous. Either  your knowledge of the English language, or your statistical savvy requires a lot of work.


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you or the desi-media suggesting here that India's condition is a result of
its expatriates or their progeny not returning to invest in the emigrants' country? And the opposite being the true about China?

If so you are deluding yourselves. The fact of only a few NRIs or their children
are returning to India is a result of Indian governance ( or more precisely non-governance), its bureaucracy, its corruption and Indian society's
suffocating religio/cultural attitudes of judging others on flimsy evidence or tiny sampling. Second-genners particularly detest their desi-kins' proclivity for lecturing them on everything from morality to religion to language, personal grooming, to study habits and everything else in between. Does that ring a bell?

Women particularly do not want to return to India.  I hope you had noticed that by now. And if not, I would suggest you observe things more carefully.


At 9:08 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

I'm sure you would be surprised to hear that Chinese Americans have been at the forefront in ensuring that US trade with China develops . Some Chinese American professors  are even going on leave to help improve Chinese economy. Atleast some of them are second generation or third generation ones. Same for Taiwan.
This fact is highlighted by the Indian media time and again and they lament that Indian Americans are not doing their bit for India to that extent.

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> could have been triggered by what you wrote earlier:

**** Yes, I agree that I might have contributed to that--to an extent.

It would be nice, if the 'markhowa' progeny took
more interest in the goings on in the lands of
their 'matamoh' ( foremothers--you heard it here
first :-)). Not unfortunate. Bad choice of word
on my part.

But our discourses being the never ending story
it is, all connected to words written or
attitudes displayed, bound by context, it is also
not difficult to assess where Umesh's sentiments
lie. In that his response was not necessarily the
sole product of my unfortunate use of the word

> >> Aren't Indians able to mind their own business? From what I read all the
>> time, Indians are interested in minding pother peoples' business more than
>> their own.

**** I do stand by that assessment Ram. It is a
desi-cul! tural trait. South Asian in general. In
that it does extend to some Kharkhowas too, even
though my assessment here is that it is to a
lesser extent than some other desis.

> >Thats quite an indictment. :)

Do you dispute that? Regardless, rest assured,
you are entitled to your opinion too. Far be it
for me,the not-so-humble anti-Indian kharkhowa,
than to deny you, the desi-patriot, that right to
disagree :-).

Also, on the issue of the ethnic Assamese being
tarred and feathered together with other Indians
, on account of geographical boundaries or forced
bondage, isn't exactly a defendable argument. As
you might have noticed, I explained to someone
calling me an Indian, that it is an incorrect
perception: I WAS an Indian national. That was
thirty years back. Today I am an Ameri! can
national. And my ethnicity is Assamese. I don't
know how I could be labeled an Indian :-).


At 12:49 PM -0500 9/2/05, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
>> I don't see any need for it. A few may develop an interest. That is their
>> choice. Others are citizens of a different country, raised in a different
>> culture, minding their own futures. Why do you need to do anything about it?
>While I agree there may be some merit to what
>you said (above). Umesh's response
> "> Can something be done about it? "
> could have been triggered by what you wrote earlier:
>> "Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
>> children or youth or adults find the goings on in
>> Assam or in India of much interest."
>The keyword 'unfortunately' could send the message that 'something'
>ought to be done. If as you say its ! a 'good thing are children ...',
>then how can it also be 'unfortunate'.
>BTW: I think it would be a good thing for our children to take an
>interest in whats going on back home.
> > Aren't Indians able to mind their own business? From what I read all the
>> time, Indians are interested in minding pother peoples' business more than
>> their own.
>Are they? Is that a national trait attributable just to Indians, and
>since Assamese are also Indians for the moment, to the Assamese as
>well. Thats quite an indictment. :)
>> "Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
>> children or youth or adults find the goings on in
>> Assam! or in India of much interest."
>> Umesh
>> Chan Mahanta wrote:
>> At 10:04 PM +0530 9/1/05, mc mahant wrote:
>&g! t; >How we wish he joins assamnet as active member.
>> >mm
>> >
>> Recently we had the pleasure of meeting Santanu's
>> mother, right here in St. Louis, related to Utpal
>> and Pinkie Goswami and an old classmate of Elly
>> Baideu.. She must be a proud mom, as we all are
>> for Santanu's achievements.
>> Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
>> children or youth or adults find the goings on in
>> Assam or in India of much interest.
>> >>From: Ram Sarangapani
>> &g! t;>CC: assam@assamnet.org
>> >>Subject: Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant
> > >>Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.
>&g! t; >>Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:06:13 -0500
>> >>
>> >>That is really good news. Congratulations Mr. Santanu K Baruah.
>> >>
>> >>On 9/1/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >>> Washington: The Bush administration will have
>> >>>an Indian-origin official to advise the
>> >>>President as White House announced its
>> >>>intention to nominate Santanu K Baruah as an
>> >>>Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic
>> >>>Development.
>> >>> The announcement came on Wednesday as a
>> >>>communiqué saying that White House "intends"
>> >>>to nominate Baruah as the Assistant Secretary
>! > >>>of Commerce for Economic Development.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> The Oregon-based! former management consultant
>> >>>is currently serving as the Chief of Staff for
>> >>>the Economic Development Administration at the
>> >>>Department of Commerce.
>> >>>
>> >>> Prior to joining the Administration, he was a
>> >>>Senior Management Consultant for Performance
>> >>>Consulting Group in Portland, Oregon.
>> >>>
>> >>> Earlier in his career, Baruah has also worked
>> >>>for the Secretaries of Interior and Labour. He
>> >>>received his Bachelor's degree from the
>> >>>University of Oregon and his master's degree
>> >>>from Williamette University.
>> >>>
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