>Free speech rights have never been unbridled and that was the moot point.

**** I don't know that anyone was arguing that. Therefore the issue 
is nonexistent.

However, incendiary, inflammatory, subversive and other such 
adjectives to define limits of free-speech are meaningless, and thus 
beside the point.

That is my point.

At 4:41 PM -0700 9/5/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Content-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
>Content-language: en
>Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
>Content-disposition: inline
>Questions and answers...........is there a point? Free speech rights 
>have never been unbridled and that was the moot point. Australian 
>connection? For those who insist otherwise and continue to abuse 
>this privilege known as free speech by inciting mayhem, in the name 
>of God or religion, perhaps they should heed the Australian advice 
>and consider taking up residency elsewhere. BTW, this is the 
>Australian Govt's point of view. Other than that, you need to seek 
>clarification from the said government for finer details.
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