Title: Anupam'sa Mission
Hi Mayur and Anupam:

>I am sure Mr Anupom Rajkhowa is probably feeling on
>the same lines in respect of the issue he raised.

My apologies to both of you if I hurt your feelings with my responses.

But allow me to explain a couple of things here:

        *** Nothing I say or write here are directed to your or anybody
        else's personnae. I always maintain that we are ALL a whole lot
        more than what we expose of ourselves in these net communications,
        and thus our views do not by any stretch of the imagination,
        define us, positively or negatively.

        *** You young, articulate, educated and passionately-committed
        to-Assam's-welfare-folks ( you would not be in this forum if you
        were not) should not and must not take anything lying down,
        if you have a better or even different perspective on issues.

Just because I made some comments on Anupam's post, it does not make either Anupma's positions pointless, or my comments gospel. But the trick is to learn how to defend your beliefs, explain your positions, persuade others. When we express an opinion in this forum we are submitting it to others' scrutiny, not merely seeking validation. Validation would be nice. But even criticism is enormously beneficial, when they are meaningful and not unfair digs. That is how we learn, become accustomed to evaluating issues critically and objectively, a process we never learnt in schools ,colleges and a societal/cultural environment that we grew up in, where it is a sin to question elders and authority figures, where unquestioning submission to authority passes for patriotism and so forth. But that is not how it should be. Ask, challenge, speak up. That is how we hone our communication skills, an essential tool for our personal growth as well.

I am a knock-down, drag-out, scrappy debater, if you have not noticed :-). And I have honed my skills right here ( well--that is not entirely true, but fairly so :-)). And I credit my esteemed opponents by challenging me, debating me with good and incisive counterpoints, forcing me to do my homework, learning about the issues more. Ultimately it helps ALL of us.

In that you will find that Assamnet  provides an opportunity that is unique
to our people's history. So make use of it. Never take anything lying down, like a good Oxomiya ought not to :-)

Best to you all.


At 8:13 PM -0700 9/14/05, mayur bora wrote:
Hi Malabika

After seeing your comments and subsequent endorsement
by Mr Mahanta, I am constrained to conclude that WE
have been happier had you viewed my comments in a more
comprehensive way in stead of getting bogged down by a
particular word (mainstream) which I had to use with
my limited vocabulary to drive home the fact that the
kind of mutual love and trust that should have been
existed between the Assamese and other tribal people
of the state is missing and I have stated the reason
also. At times, one tends to get affected by some
small issues leaving the larger the issue unattended,
that probably can be termed as one of our weaknesses.
I am sure Mr Anupom Rajkhowa is probably feeling on
the same lines in respect of the issue he raised.

But I must thank you for your observation. I am very
clear in my objective. I don't want people to ratify
what I said. What I want is a lively and healthy
debate on the issues.

Bye for now.



--- Malabika Brahma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 1. Alienation of tribal people from the mainstream
> due
> to the cavalier attitude shown by caste Hindu
> Assamese. This has resulted in disunity and a sense
> of
> mutual mistrust among different tribes. (I am a
> caste
> Hindu myself

> What is mainstream anyway ? Just like the Cow-Belt
> culture can not be a Mainstream culture in India,
> the Culture practised  by the Assamese speakers in
> Brahmaputra valley is not considered MainStream by
> other speakers, for example Bodo.  These are
> different stream, one is not "SUB" to another. What
> is needed between the 2 streams is appreciation and
> respect.


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