Mala and Ramgopal,
It makes us feel good that Mala is together enough to write the email. Any time you guys need support, just call us. We are here for you, right in Houston. I am sure the other families in Houston and the members of Assamnet share my feelings.

"Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Dil & Dilip-da:

Thanks for forwarding the pictures again - at least the ones interested in could view them. Rana Gogoi did a splendid job on holding the whole occasion in a perfect order, step by step - this is going to be a huge part of our treasure now. 

If I, myself, was not the unfortunate person here, it would have been beyond my imagination  -  how one can view (and talk about) her own child's funeral, surprisingly it has proved otherwise. It has been somewhat soothing - we realize that is the reality - these are the things that we will have to live with from now on.

Our son will always be the usual witty, straight-forward, patriotic and vibrant young man living within us until we see him again. It is just that as normal human beings, we feel that God could have taken him 70+ years later, and that is, after us. But I have convinced myself that he is in a better place now, he is with God, from where he can see us any time, and I already feel that all the time now - he is helping me to take decisions.

Once again, Ramgopal and I offer our heartfelt appreciation to all of you, from all over the world, for being with us - in person and in your thoughts and prayers - through phone calls, notes, cards and emails, and thus showing Nitin so much of love, care and affection.

Thank you again.

- Mala and Ramgopal

(Alpana & Ram Sarangapani)

Houston, Texas. USA.


From: Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Assam] Fwd: Pictures from last Saturday
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 13:13:44 -0700 (PDT)

Note: forwarded message attached.

From: Rana Gogoi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pictures from last Saturday
Date: 07 Oct 2005 19:02:46 -0700
>Pictures from last Saturday
>Dear Raiz,
>These pictures are from last Saturday. Because of the occasion I tried to keep as many pictures as possible.
>Rana Gogoi

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