Title: Xonkor Joyonti
Not sooo fast!

You all need the Xonkordev/Gita  Nazi's clearance and approval. Last time someone talked of that , they came under heavy fire for desecrating the gurujona's memory and 'hurting the sentiments' of his authentic 'xisyo's. Assam Netters might have become complacent, thinking that the Nazi is gone. But he has re-appeared in the net, drawn like a 'soga to the saaki' ( like a moth drawn to a candle) and like the 'nirgot' ( shameless-one)  he is.

Oh another thing, I would be on the Gestapo's gun-sight now ( not that I was ever off) , since I am desecrating Xonkordev's name with the "X"-letter, instead of following the Xonskritic protocol, the right-proper one as set down by some British 'saheb' or other, way back in the 18th century and being zealously guarded by Kamrupi 'kewolia's.

At 5:26 PM +0530 10/12/05, mc mahant wrote:
Let us all   in this Cyber Namghor - Hoiya Horibola-

From:  "Rini Kakati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC:  assam@assamnet.org
Subject:  [Assam] Late: Padma Kanta Dutta: Founder of Sankar Jayanti at UK in1983
Date:  Wed, 12 Oct 2005 08:56:02 +0000
>Dear Mayur,
>Thanks for your comments. Let's join in a prayer for our Guru 557th birth
>anniversary today.
>Rini Baidew
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