hi bartaa bistaar,
thanks a lot for such a piece of news. though i have been living in assam for all these godforsaken years now i feel that i was getting diluted, biased and filterred news about "indo-assam conflict" . actually i didnt even believe that the indian government is willing to sit down for "talks" with our representatives ( its another matter that our 'representatives' have asked some other bunch of people to represent them) but after the BBC told me this,courtsey you, i think i'll have to believe it now. hard to imagine i wasn't 'actually' aware of what was going on around me all these years......damn those biased news... damn those filterred news.....just a query though...are the news fed and edited by the indian govt. to mislead ppl like us??? damn the indian govt. if its the truth and hail BBC......since you guys have ruled india for around 250 years u must be knowing what and how occupancy forces treats the occupants....so news from you should be as good as from the horses mouth. ( by the way, if i am not wrong, i remember you flooding my inbox with news-clippings and links about all kinds of news about ULFA, the indian govt., the PCG..PWG ( or whatever they are called). they are mostly from indian newspapers...so does that mean that those news were biased and filterred???? one can never be sure of those indian newspapers... who knows they might be on the govt. pay-roll??)
now what if the indian government gives assam 'independence'?? good news, eh?? ok then will we have 'democratic' elections after we gain our 'independence'??? will our 'representatives fight those elections or will they keep aside some permanent posts for themselves??? if they decide to fight the elections and they lose it what next?? will they form another faction and try to carve out another piece of land from assam???
on a second thought, can there be any strategic partnership with india in the future..just like those NSCN (IM) guys want?? we rule our state...opps sorry nation...but if some other country tries to poke its nose into our affairs or tries to act as the aggressor, india shoud mobilise its defence forces fast and defend our borders. after all with india sharing our border from all the sides, it's their duty.
a long mail u see. but i am little bit curious and the BBC doesnt seem to be of any help here and ofcourse, i can't trust those indian newspapers.
tridip (and that's my real name)

Bartta Bistar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Indian PM holds Assam peace talks


Ulfa has been fighting Indian forces for 26 years

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is due to hold talks with representatives of a leading separatist group from the north-eastern state of Assam.

An 11-member group representing the United Liberation Front of Assam (Ulfa) is in Delhi for talks aimed at ending nearly 25 years of insurgency.

The representative group includes human rights activists, journalists and writers among others.

More than 10,000 people have died in the rebel fight for independence.

Ahead of the talks the peace delegation said it would raise the issue of Assam's sovereignty with the government.

"Our job is to convince the government that for peace talks with Ulfa, they should at least agree to a discussion on the issue of Assam's sovereignty," Lachit Bordoloi, a human rights activist and part of the delegation, told the BBC.

"Ceasefire and release of Ulfa members are two more important issues," journalist Ajit Bhuyian said.

Apart from the prime minister, India's national security advisor and the chief minister of Assam are expected to be present at the talks.

"The presence of the prime minister in the talks is in itself an indication of the sincerity of the Indian government in solving the insurgency problem in Assam," Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi told AFP.

Operations ceased

Last month, the Indian army called off a counter-insurgency operation against Ulfa rebels in Assam on the orders of the federal government.

The move was aimed at facilitating the current peace talks.

Last year, Ulfa rejected an offer of talks because of a demand that the group give up violence ahead of any dialogue.

Ulfa is one of the most powerful of nearly a dozen separatist groups fighting Indian security forces in the north-east.



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