Title: Re: [Assam] Fwd: Study on Assam -Centre for Policy Alterna
>Let us hope this report will let our political leaders and all know what to ask for.

Hope ? On the  basis of what? Past performance? Attitude? Ability? Determination? What?

Are we trying to have it both ways?

At 8:27 PM -0500 10/29/05, Barua25 wrote:
The Report is very eye opening and revealing for the people of Assam. The Report basically addresses the ecomnic development of Assam during the last 60 years, and specially it addresses there main area: etroleum, TEA and Timber as well as other factors like literacy, mortality rate, human condition etc.The following are some briefs:
LITERACY During the last decade, Assam has the lowest improvement rate of 19.6% which is the 3rd from bottom.
INFANT MORTALITY RATE: Again Assam is 78 per 1000, one of the worst, even worst than Bihar.
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX: HDI is a holistic indicator of education, health and income. On a scale from 0 to 5, Assam rants 0.348, and ranks 26th in India.
LAGGING ECONOMIC GROWTH: During the last decade, Assam;s growth rate was only 2.47%, the lowest in the NE and far lower than the Indian average of 5.98%, and far lower even considering the East India average of 5.75%.
POVERTY: About 36% of people in Assam live below poverty line, far worse than Indian average of 26.1%.
PER CAPITA POWER CONSUMPTION: Assam has the per capita power consumption of only 95 KWH against the Indian average of 355 KWH. During the last decade, the growth rate in Assam is almost 0.
ASSAM'S ECONOMY: Three main areas need drastic reform:
TEA: Assam produces about 420 million kg of Tea with an annual turn-over of around Rs 3400 crores. However since Tata Tea and Brooke Bond control about two third of the industry and since they are registered outside Assam, all central taxes goes to Maharashtra and West Bengal and not to Assam. This is only one of the problems.
PETROLEUM INDUSTRY: Assam produces about 5 million tonnes of crude oil per yearIt is only in 2003 that the oil royalty has been increased to 20% The Report suggest a Russian model according to which Assam will get about 5100 croese annually. (This may be compared to a suggestion by me of Rs 4000 crores in an email earlier). The present rate is less than Rs 2000 crores.
TIMBER: The ban by the Supreme court on Timber, destroyed about 300 plywood factories in Assam.
In fact the Assam's economy is so bad that according to the report one is forced to ask the question, why the situation has been allowed to slip to such a bad condition.
The report highlights the fact that in almost all factors, the North Eastern states are better than the Indian average such as health, education, income, power consumption,. Against this background, Assam shows an exception as being the worst in India. In indicates, the gOI is funding the other NE states heavily depriving Assam. The annual per capita disbursement owas only 58crosres compared to the NE average of 124 crores.
Overall the state of affairs in Assam not only shows GOI's depriving Assam but also shows an utter lack of political leadership in Assam even to persent its legitame case. Compared to Assam, the rest of the NE staes, it seems has the leadership. The report states . it is indeed unfortuante that neither the political leaders in power nor the opposition leaders have raised these issues with vigour.
To say the least, this report is highly important for all in Assam. Let us hope this report will let our political leaders and all know what to ask for.
----- Original Message -----
From: Rajen Barua
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fwd: Study on Assam -Centre for Policy Alternatives

Thanks for posting the Report and for the link to the site. I congratulate the authors for preparing such a report showing the state of things in black and white. It seems to be a professional well written Report on the perspective of development of Assam and definitely we can discuss the details.
Looks like it is much needed Report which we needed long back to know the truths.
I am sure the report will be (and should be) used by the people of Assam to gain grants from the center.
But before that let me put my perspective on the report.
The Report proves my point which I have been stating all along. Assamese donot know their problem. It is a report written by non Assamese (again) to show the Assamese,  Halo Assamese you have problem. Why such a report could not have been written by the Assamese? Why everytime Assamese had to depend on the Indians to tell them what is Assam's problem?
Does it show the poor state of our intellectual resources of the Assamese?.
I hope in the following two areas, the people of Assam will produce some professional report before some non Assamese do that.
1) Perspective of the Brahmaputra Flood control
2) The Illegal Immigration Issue from Bangladesh
Best of luck to all
----- Original Message -----
From: umesh sharma
To: assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:56 AM
Subject: [Assam] Fwd: Study on Assam -Centre for Policy Alternatives

shall we read and discuss?

Centre for Policy Alternatives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 06:57:06 +0100 (BST)
From: Centre for Policy Alternatives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Study on Assam
CC: m c mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear Sirs
I am attaching with this mail a study on Assam conducted by the Centre for Policy Alternatives. Mr. Guruswamy and myself are the authors of the report.
We hope you find the report both interesting and useful and invite your comments/criticism on the same.
Best Wishes
Ronald Abraham
PS: This report is also available online at:
Other studies by our Center are also available at www.cpasind.com.

umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am glad that you have taken the initiative in introducing me to Mr Guruswamy. I am currently in Washington and can stay here till June 2006. I am planning to work with poor kids -in school education -across the globe.
I am no expert on economic development issue - but  I do agree that Assam's economy has gone down - after independence -as per eco. data - most likely due to carving out of separate nations from British India - such as Burma, Bangladesh etc -which closed trade routes an markets.
It is likely that Assamese businessment - then as now - were not skilled in identifying other markets -- they can (and could) try to follow Japan's shinig example - which has no resources of its own -except the human resource. Japan is an inspiration for any nation which need to adapt to changing circumstances. Japan rose from the ashes in 30 years, Assam sank during the same period.
Negotiations can provide some room for movement but can Assam based individuals reinvent their working - Japan style. Negotiations cannot replace the footwork needed to establish a strong economy in Assam. I wonder how barren Rajasthan or Japan are managing.

mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Umesh Dear,
You need to get close to a powerful (literally and figuratively)ex-Harvard man -Mohan Guruswamy- who heads a top Central Govt organisation -"Centre for Policy Alternatives".Tell him if you want to work with him. His E-mail Id is above.
He was here 2 weeks back and spoke on  one thing only --"Assam had been cheated all these years-why don't you go and negotiate?"
Look who is talking!


From:  umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  assam@assamnet.org
Subject:  [Assam] Harvard MBA Newsletter: Redefining Economic Downturns -ofAssam since 1947??
Date:  Mon, 24 Oct 2005 02:26:00 +0100 (BST)

At India's independence Assam's per capita income was 40% above All India Average -- now it is 30% below. Is it any kind of economic downturn - due to - break up of British empire in India - separate Burma, Bangladesh etc. - and is it due to lack of access -to Bangladesh & SE Asia trade routes, ports and industries etc? Any remedy?
Situation has been addressed at length -  by Sanjib-da Baruah earlier in a paper I read once on the net by him. Any comments on possible - political and entrepreneurial solutions?

HBS Working Knowledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 13:54:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: HBS Working Knowledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newsletter: Redefining Economic Downturns
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