I would like to share my views regarding the topic 'Rebuild Assam or India'. It is a very very nice initiative.

It is mentioned there that 'If you have any objection about ULFA- ask yourself why India continues with a million strong armed forces...'


Yes, of course. I have objection about ULFA. And probably my view starts from this point onwards. What I feel is that, we (the Assamese) are not yet matured enough to think of independence. In which front are we capable? Can we compete with rest of the Indians? No we can’t. How candidates get seat in IITs, how many candidates can clear UPSC, how many renowned people are there in the art and culture field, how many high ranking officers are there in defense service? There are numerous similar questions are there whose answer is common either no or very few. So we are not yet been able to compete with others. Can we blame Indian Union Government for all these inabilities?


Even very less number of people outside Assam know about Srimanta Sankar Dev or Vir Lachit. Is not our responsibility to spread the message of these great personalities to different parts of the world? I think it is high time for introspection. Simply passing the blame to others is not going to solve the problem rather it makes things more and more complicated.


What I feel is that we need to prepare our self to compete equally with others. There should not be any front untouched.

We should learn how to work hard.

We must be able to compel central government leadership to solve our problems.

There should be no leader left who can overlook our problem.

We must be able to create a situation where blame on central government will reduce drastically.


And to do all these we need to penetrate into every front, every filed. And for that we must work hard, compete boldly.


After achieving these objectives, if anybody still wants independence, then I shall have no objection.




Partha Sarathi Borah

Gurgaon, India

Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 20:08:21 +0000 (GMT)
From: umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fwd: Study on Assam -Centre for Policy
To: mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: assam@assamnet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


You did not answer my question....
What is the cure and who are these people ?


mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Grow up--FAST.

If you or any in the Assamnet or beyond have any ideas on HOW to
rebuild Assam or India -Shoot at me -not with a gun-but intelligently.I shall
record these and present the essence at anappropriate time and venue.

If you have any objection about ULFA- ask yourself why India continues
with a million strong armed forces--and spends literally evey
Dollar"Earned" from the effort of  millions sent out to slave in the 1st world--
in keeping this 'Armed Forces, supplied and equipped-- knowing fully
well that these will not be defending anybody,anywhere,anytime.And ask
yourself if GeorgeWBush is a leader or a pusher or what?And ask why there
is any unrest anywhere at all--come with an unified theory--you might
even rank with Amartya Sen Types.


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