Title: Re: [Assam] News from Sentinel
At 9:40 PM +0000 11/8/05, umesh sharma wrote:
From the article:
"The jail has  seven children. They are not prisoners, but are inside
the jail  by default as their mothers are prisoners who have no safe
places to keep their children outside the jail.

*** And the difference from being imprisoned? At best semantic, isn't it?

The bottom line: These children are being made to pay for their parents' sins, real or imagined. Do civilized people do that? You tell us.

But I will take a step back and ask you and others if it is a Hindu thing: For children to pay for the sins of their parents, and ancestors?  Why I ask is that  I am reminded, very vaguely, about certain rites by offsprings, at the demise of their parents, dealing with their salvation or something to do with that. Maybe there IS such a thing in Hindu traditions for the offsprings to pay for their parents' sins. Is there? If it is so, it might explain this profoundly despicable practice.

I am going to look into referring the issue to Amnesty International. If there is anyone in the net who have made contacts with AI in the past, will appreciate any feedback.


The jail  authorities
got in touch with the Sarba Siksha Mission who in  turn provided them
with a teacher."

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 21:15:20 -0600
To: assam@assamnet.org
From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Assam] News from Sentinel

This is the kind of democracy that is running the country, in which
CHILDREN are in prison along with their parents. Is this the legacy
of a ten, and why not even 15, thousand year (un)civilization?


Of ISI teachers and ULFA 'kids'

NAGAON, Nov 7 (UNI): The teachers are dreaded ISI agents and the
students "ULFA children". Nothing sinister here but.

This unique school with seven students and three teachers is inside
a jail of Assam. The students are mostly offsprings of the jailed
ULFA leaders and the teachers are three dreaded ISI agents,
condemned for life.

The! ir daily activities related to schooling have brought in a fresh
air of expectation and happiness in the entire jail compound which
has been resounding with nursery rhymes along with the usual sounds
of thick heavy boots walking on the long verandahs.

The school curriculum is a healthy mixture of alphabets, English and
games besides the lively nursery rhymes.

The school, without a name, is housed inside the Nagaon district
jail, 130 kilometre from Guwahati, where the three ISI agents and a
group of ULFA detenues, many of whom are women, are jailed.

The jail has seven children. They are not prisoners, but are inside
the jail by default as their mothers are prisoners who have no safe
places to keep their children outside the jail. The jail authorities
got in touch with the Sarba Siksha Mission who in turn provided them
with a teacher.

But the three ISI agents, one each from Karachi and Bangladesh, came
forward and, according to jail authorities, they are proving to be
good teachers with children enjoying with them.

The three ISI agents are Fasiullah (45) from Karachi, Billal Miyan
(35) of Shyllet, Bangladesh and Mosaha Samsed Khan (30) of
Muzaffarpur of Uttar Pradesh. Of them, Fasiullah is the dreaded one
and his arrest five years back was considered as one of the greatest
success of Assam Police as well as the Central Intelligence Agencies.

Fasiullah was the actual kingpin of the ISI racket in the North east
India, supplying both money and material in the fertile land of
Islamist Fundamentalists in bordering areas of lower Assam.

He, along with other two, were lodged in the Guwahati jail and only
on August 8 were they transferred to Nagaon jail as the Guwahati
jail had become overcrowded.

All the three were lodged at Hospital ward of the Nagaon jail where
they have opened their school also. The ULFA detenues are kept! a
little away in the general ward or National Security Act (NSA)
prisoner's ward.

There is no fixed time for the school and it all depends on the
children's waking up and getting ready.

The jail authorities have provided each child books, pencils and
rough books, besides elementary facilities and the children are very
happy to be with their teachers.

According to jail authorities the teachers focus more on English,
which have made their mothers happier.

Although there is no official record, in various jails there are
more than 30 such children of ULFA parents. Most of these young ULFA
boys and girls joined the militant outfits with romantic illusions
and got married and down the years were arrested by police.

The maximum number of mothers and children got arrested when the
Bhutan camp was busted.

The eldest child of Nagaon jail is Abinav Deka (6).

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