
Thanks for the best wishes.

am very happy if he or for that matter any one in
>>  the assamnet has a realistic blueprint for sovereign
>>  Assam. I have all the best wishes for them to
>>  translate their dreams into reality in future.
>>  However
>>  till the time that blueprint is not shared on a
>>  common
>>  platform for any meaningful debate, no one can
>>  prevent
>>  me from taking any such claim from any one including
>>  Mahanta - da with a handful (not with a pinch) of
>>  salt.

Salt is bad for pressure-avoid it.

Wish you happy banking with Indian Rupees.

But please think about how to change over fast and seamlessly to Oxomiya Toka+Bodo Toak+ Indian Rupee +Bangla Taka+ Kyat+Rouble+ RMB + the good old Greenback.



From:  Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  mayur bora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Roy, Santanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Re: [Assam] Assam's Ancient Links with Mainland India
Date:  Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:37:40 -0600
>Hi Mayur:
> >>Secondly, I did not say anything about leaving assamnet.
>I am glad to hear that :-).
> >  >At a personal level, I have high regard for Mahanta-da
> >which is clearly exemplified in some of my earlier
> >mails on assamnet. I appreciate his formidable
> >analytical skills to make many people believe that the colour of the
> >blackboard >is white.
>*** Thanks much for the kind words. But obviously you have gone way
>over  with my abilities like making black appear white. In the past
>people have called me assorted names, assigned ulterior motives,
>tried to hurt me by citing my advancing age and unflattering physical
>attributes--you name it. But attributing supernatural abilities is a
>first. There has to be a far more credible and rational explanation
>for it, don't you think? Allow me to give you a hint : How about
>making just plain old common sense ? Is it possible  :-)?
>At 9:53 AM -0800 11/14/05, mayur bora wrote:
> >Dear Santanu-da
> >
> >Thank you for your kind words about my introduction. I
> >was not exactly offended by that comparison by
> >Dilip-da. I was no doubt amused and found the whole
> >thing totally uncalled for. But as indicated now by
> >Mahanta-da about some past episodes of impersonation
> >on assamnet, I feel it might have been an outcome of
> >that.
> >
> >Secondly, I did not say anything about leaving
> >assamnet. I want to leave the debate on sovereignty
> >purely on a temporary basis till the blueprint is
> >offered by someone for a threadbare discussion. With
> >all the humility at my command, I wish to state that I
> >write only when some issue touches my heart and
> >inspires me to pour out my feelings. I will keep on
> >doing that.
> >
> >At a personal level, I have high regard for Mahanta-da
> >which is clearly exemplified in some of my earlier
> >mails on assamnet. I appreciate his formidable
> >analytical skills to make many people believe that the
> >colour of the blackboard is white. It is always a
> >pleasure to have a debate in general on assamnet and
> >with Mahanta-da in particular. I don't intend to
> >deprive me of that pleasure so easily.
> >
> >Take care.
> >
> >Mayur
> >
> >--- "Roy, Santanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>  Dear Mayur:
> >>
> >>  Please don't be offended by Dilip-da comparing you
> >>  to a comet or a shadow. He means well.
> >>
> >>  Fact is that you write very well and many on this
> >>  net, who are not active right now, find your
> >>  arguments extremely relevant and laud your ability
> >>  to articulate them with intellectual honesty.
> >>  Perhaps, they want to see you write more often
> >>  (which is understandably time consuming). In any
> >>  case, please keep writing - as often as you can -
> >>  and not necessarily about sovereignty.
> >>
> >>  Take care -
> >>
> >>  Santanu-da.
> >>
> >>  To other netters: Mayur is very real, a former
> >>  student of economics from my own college in Delhi
> >>  (much younger than me, of course) & now managing a
> >>  major public sector bank in Chandigarh. Its a
> >>  pleasure to have him on the net.
> >>
> >>  -----Original Message-----
> >>  From: mayur bora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>  Sent: Mon 11/14/2005 10:28 PM
> >>  To: Dilip/Dil Deka; Roy, Santanu; Chan Mahanta;
> >>  Cc:
> >>  Subject: Re: [Assam] Assam's Ancient Links with
> >>  Mainland India
> >>
> >>
> >>  My knowledge about science in general and astronomy
> >>  in
> >>  particular is extremely poor. Even then I could not
> >>  resist the temptation of asking the gentleman about
> >>  the logic of comparing me to a comet as I joined
> >>  assamnet only during August 2005. Does any comet
> >>  keep
> >>  on coming and vanishing so frequently ? Secondly I
> >>  don't have a misplaced sense of importance about
> >>  myself to think that I am trying to light the
> >>  bright
> >>  sky of  assamnet. What I have been trying for the
> >>  last
> >>  few months  is to share my concern on many issues
> >>  pertaining to Assam and to look for at least a
> >>  couple
> >>  of solutions in a collective and consensual way. Mr
> >  > Deka might have missed many of our (Mahanta -da's
> >>  and
> >>  mine) earlier mails on similar kind of issues. But
> >>  what have we achieved so far ? Now I have decided
> >>  not
> >>  to give counter arguments due to the following
> >>  reasons.
> >>
> >>  1) We are becoming more and more theoretical
> >>  2) Paucity of time at my side to indulge in
> >>  something
> >>  with no workable solution at sight
> >>  3) Gradual turning of the whole issue  into some
> >>  kind
> >>  of one-upmanship
> >  > 4) Last but not the least, Mahanta-da's increasing
> >>  inclination to answer any question with a question
> >>
> >>  I am very happy if he or for that matter any one in
> >>  the assamnet has a realistic blueprint for sovereign
> >>  Assam. I have all the best wishes for them to
> >>  translate their dreams into reality in future.
> >>  However
> >>  till the time that blueprint is not shared on a
> >>  common
> >>  platform for any meaningful debate, no one can
> >>  prevent
> >>  me from taking any such claim from any one including
> >>  Mahanta - da with a handful (not with a pinch) of
> >>  salt.
> >>
> >>
> >>  Mayur
> >>
> >>  --- Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>  > Santanu,
> >>  > First of all I apologize to everyone for copying a
> >>  > personal mail to Assamnet. It was meant to be only
> >>  > for Chandan Mahanta since he was trying so hard to
> >>  > get a response from Mayur Bora and it looked to me
> >>  > Mayur Bora was like a comet. He lit up the skies
> >>  of
> >>  > Assamnet for a short while and vanished. We have
> >>  had
> >>  > so many shadows come and go in Assamnet, I felt
> >>  here
> >>  > is another. I of course hope that Mayur Bora is a
> >>  > real person and he will continue to participate in
> >>  > Assamnet. We know for sure that Bidyut Kakati is
> >>  an
> >>  > assumed name just like Dr. Tilok Hatimuriya and
> >>  > Dipankar Pungta were (R.I.P).
> >>  >
> >>  > Prasenjit,
> >>  > This has nothing to do with unity or disunity.
> >>  Mine
> >>  > was a simple observation and a simple query to my
> >>  > friend Chandan Mahanta. It is unfortunate that
> >>  > Assamnet's name  remained when I deleted the other
> >>  > names from the original mail.
> >>  > Despite occasional flare up that you see in this
> >>  > net, in general the discussions are civil compared
> >>  > to many other nets I have seen.
> >>  >
> >>  > So stay calm and participate in the discussions as
> >>  > your time allows. Pseudonames though distracting
> >>  > will not alter the course.
> >>  >
> >>  > Dilip Deka
> >>  >
> >>
> >=======================================================================================
> >>  > "Roy, Santanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>  > Dilip-da:
> >>  > Why do you think Mayur Bora is a shadow?
> >>  > Santanu.
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  > -----Original Message-----
> >>  > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of
> >>  > Dilip/Dil Deka
> >>  > Sent: Mon 11/14/2005 4:05 AM
> >>  > To: Chan Mahanta
> >>  > Cc:
> >>  > Subject: Re: [Assam] Assam's Ancient Links with
> >>  > Mainland India
> >>  >
> >>  > Nulu,
> >>  > Mayur Bora, I think, is a shadow just like Bidyut
> >>  > Kakati. Another impersonation. Do you have any
> >>  > inkling who it could be?
> >>  > Dilip
> >>  >
> >>  > Chan Mahanta wrote:
> >>  > Hi Mayur:
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  > I was looking forward to getting some specific
> >>  > answers to all the questions I asked you about
> >>  your
> >>  > charges of my various 'specious' arguments, about
> >>  > the excessive nature of my analyses, about how
> >>  > Indian governance is helping reduce the rifts
> >>  > between the many indigenous people-your primary
> >>  > concern about Assam, how you justify that as a
> >>  > reason AGAINST Assam's sovereignty aspirations, so
> >>  > on and so forth.
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  > Since you failed to answer any of them other than
> >>  > repeat your opinions, will it be fair for us to
> >>  > conclude that those were merely your fancy words
> >>  and
> >>  > that there was no substance to them, that you
> >>  don't
> >>  > know why you make those charges and comments and
> >>  > deliver those opinions ? And if you do not agree,
> >>  > will you explain why?
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  > Yes, I will be pleased to explain the disarray in
> >>  > Assam's management and how they are rooted in the
> >>  > dysfunctional Indian governance. However, that is
> >>  > not to be construed as the people in charge of
> >>  Assam
> >>  > governance have no responsibility at all, like
> >  > some
> >>  > of our friends here assume, as soon as we discuss
> >>  > the Indian governmental roots of the problems, and
> >>  > get all very excited. They too are accountable.
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  > The question however is HOW do you hold them
> >>  > accountable? How do you change things? I presume
> >>  you
> >>  > too do not like what you see. But what is YOUR
> >>  plan,
> >>  > and how do you see MORE of the same being better
> >>  > than changes and reforms under a sovereign Assam
> >  > > govt.?
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  > Many of our Markhowa ( Markin Kharkhowa) peers,
> >>  with
> >>
> >=== message truncated ===
> >
> >
> >
> >
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