Title: Re: [Assam] Assam is for Assamese
>*** Yes, as a matter of fact I did consider it my solemn duty to defend the concept of Assam for the Assamese as *I* saw it in the context, because YOU >dragged the matter into the discussion.
I did not drag you into discussion. You did it on your own. Nobody drag nobody into discussion in the net. We all do it by choice.  In your own words,
you did it by choice and it is your interpretation to defend the concept of Assam for Assamese and not Sumant Chaliha or somebody else.
I already showed you that your defense of the concept of Assam for Assamese based on ethnicity (according to your definition of Assamese)  failed the test in case of Bengalis and other minorities living in Assam.  According to your definition, those will have to be assimilated into Assamese (which you did not say how) before they qualify as Assamese. Your concept has led you to a dead end. 
On the other hand the definition of Assam, as proposed by me,  based on Nation concept of Assam is the safe definition if we want to include all minorities in Assam irespective of their clolor, creed, caste, language or religion.
Also if your above statement is true, the following Gwal Gali must be wrong and baseless:
>I try to help my friends who are not as articulate as they could be, when I can.
>It is however unfortunate to see that instead of appreciating my effort at educating you, threatened to 'attack' me, and then tried to devalue my explanations >and criticized my methods.
>That is a real 'khai-paat-folaa' attitude, of biting the hand that feeds. Hope you will take a New Year's resolution to overcome it in the future.
You cannot do both at the same time: Do something to defend your concept and gwal gali me as khai pat fola.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Assam is for Assamese

>Why you had to provide an interpretation at all for and on behalf of Sumanat?. You could not sleep or you thought >it was your solemn duty as a nopota phukon for the sake of the netters?.

*** Yes, as a matter of fact I did consider it my solemn duty to defend the concept of Assam for the Assamese as *I* saw it in the context, because YOU dragged the matter into the discussion. Did I need YOUR prior permission for it? Are you the ARBITER, the true 'pota-phukan' over who can or who cannot speak for or against the concept ? If you are, just let us know. I will be sure to " gua ebhaag aag borhai aaru xaasatnge pronipaat jonai"  beg for permission to speak next time.

*** But I know you are making the argument above only because you have realized, finally, where you went wrong, but are unable to admit it, and are attempting to divert attention away from the issue in point. That is OK. I won't rub it in any further. Sure as heck I went far more into it than I wished I had and am not enjoying it one bit.

Take care, and Om Xaanti!


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