Title: Re: [Assam] Illegal Bangladeshis, is it a myth?
Oh, no. Here we go again!

At 2:48 PM -0600 1/1/06, Barua25 wrote:
I think we will have  to go by one at a time:
First do you agree in my statement
 "Where did you see any angst from any of the parties in Assam?"

*** First, it is a question, not a statement - of fact or fiction. And  I DON'T agree with it. I read and hear a lot of it, right here, forwarded by people like you. Or in the many websites.

>We also see angst from Shankar Borua.
>(Please don't ask who is he and why I am bringing him here. That is not the issue).

*** Why ? Is it liable to cause you trouble? But I will comply and keep my curiosity at bay. But why do you bring in these people if they are not relevant to the issues we are debating/discussing?

Yes I have angst.
You have angst.

*** My angst is NOT the issue. Yours is. Because you are expressing yours while accusing everyone else to be unconcerned about everything. So please do not drag ME into it.

We also see angst from Shankar Borua.
(Please don't ask who is he and why I am bringing him here. That is not the issue).
Or Gautam Prasad Barua.

But we donot belong to any party.

*** So? Is it good or bad?
And our angst may not be the same, in fact are not same.
What I see you have angst why Assam is not independence.

*** You miss the point by a mile. You are putting the cart before the horse. My support for independence is for a series of reasons, which, from simple observation of widely available information, cannot be resolved without Assam having full control over its resources and governance.

I have angst why nobody is talking about the issues.

*** But what HOLDS YOU BACK, from expressing what YOU see as issues and offering YOUR solutions?

That is my question that you are dancing all around, but would not answer.

Shankar Borua has angst how we can exloit people.

*** Again, you are accusing someone of a grave misdeed, but would not tell us what he did to deserve it, or how it is relevant to the discussions.

You are saying let be independent first.

*** Again -- it is a half truth, and does not tell the full story of why I say independence is essential. Why can't you accept what I categorically say, instead of re-phrasing it in ways that alters its meaning ?

I am saying No, because that is like: 
Ahok Barixa, katok pat
Roija bhinihi khaija bhat.

*** That does not mean a darn thing. You need to tell us what you see as problems, resolution of which does not require independence, and your explanation on how.

If you can do that credibly, your  assertions and opinions may make some sense. But right now, they mean nothing.

Again back to the issue, we will have to go by one at a time:
First do you agree in my statement or not.
 "Where did you see any angst from any of the parties in Assam at present?"
I put it in bold because it is an eye opening reality I am asking you to realize.
If you donot agree,  please show me which political party is voicing anything at all.

*** I don't look at the political parties created in the dysfunctional desi-ways to guide me. If I had any faith in their abilities I would be working with them instead of you folks who can only say no or play inquisitor, but are unable to explain either the problems or offer any solutions there to.

Please don't say that in the present GOI system, nobody can make any voice, so let us go for independence etc.

*** I had no intention of saying that. But you cannot purge GoI from the equation, because it holds the powers and has the responsibilities.



In other words please don't say
Ahok Barixa....
You see we can always learn from our Dakor Bosons...
----- Original Message -----
From: Chan Mahanta
To: Barua25 ; Ram Sarangapani
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Illegal Bangladeshis, is it a myth?

Tsk, Rajen.  Ki Muskil!

You already listed everyone else as not worried, bothered, troubled or otherwise disturbed, having discovered it at that EUREKA moment.

I was talking about YOUR angst, your finger-pointing at everyone. Why is that ?

Wait! Don't tell me!  It is because you are so much better than the rest, right?

Did I get it?


At 11:31 AM -0600 1/1/06, Barua25 wrote:
>But then why all the angst, the outpourings of displeasures and the finger-pointing?
This is not the first time I said these.
Where did you see any angst from any of the parties in Assam?
Even if you see it, it is to just make money.
See how Tarun Gogoi is busy trying to make the right cut of his grants from GOI.
See how ossosition Prafulla Mahanta and others are busy distributing their own money.
They say it needs to money to make money.
Where did you see any angst from any of the parties?
And where did you see any amgst from the Assamese public?
News Papers ?
That is the other side of Isurgency Business, making money by 'finger pointing' to keep the Assamese public glued to the papers..
Joi Ai OXOM.

----- Original Message -----
From: Chan Mahanta
To: Barua25 ; Ram Sarangapani
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Illegal Bangladeshis, is it a myth?

That sounds like yet another of Rajen's EUREKA moments :-). He seems to have found all the answers.

But then why all the angst, the outpourings of displeasures and the finger-pointing?

I don't know, it must be a crazy world we live in!

2006, welcome to BEEEG trouble in Assam Net!!!

At 11:13 AM -0600 1/1/06, Barua25 wrote:
>One of the things you hear common people tell you (in Assam) is that there is big money in NOT getting the problems of >illegal or insurgency solved. It seems, it is beneficial to just keep the issues in the front burner - but,  NOT really find any >solutions.  Insurgents,  politicians, power blocks,  leaders, and unscruplous businesses reap huge benefits at the expense >of the common man - the khetiok, the kerani, the school mastor, etc.

You are absolutely correct. I probably have stated in the net before.
Nobody is actually interested in finding solutions to these damn problems.
It is not in the interests of those in power either in Assam or in India.
It is not in the interest of ULFA.
It is not in the interests of PCG.
It is not in the interests of Assamese business community.
Ans poor Hobo Diok Assamese public don't count anyway.
What is happening in Assam is Insurgency is being turned into a business carrer.
Or we may say Professional Insurgency at its best.
60-40 ? No I wil take 70-30? What do you say Doc?
Assam and the North East may teach the world a lesson.
As I said before:
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.
Happy New Year!!

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