<<<And poor Hobo Diok Assamese public don't count anyway>>>
The root cause lies at the Constitution written to please the Nehru family ego"We are great Kasmir Brahmins(Pundits) and regardless who lives in Kashmir,WEmust have it. Also if Brits tried( Copying China) Mandarins(IAS's - some call them  ass's) to rule India - for Nehru -poor thing ,he was an ordinary brain -no love of the Dehat-'That must be the way .'And if Brits gave us the lockup,police,bar,barrister,jail,'My-Lord' 'These must be good.'
Of course he had no idea of the Economy. He had no time to learn fromRussia- because he fell rightaway into CIA's trap- took in Dalai Lama  in lieu of a  Trombay Reactor. It was too late when Khruschev gave ONGC,Refineries, Steel Plants.They also gave Heavy Engineering Corps,BHEL, which are being sold off to the scrap dealer. 
He left India in the shit that is. Mao was cleverer in 1949.
The "Poor Hobo Diok " will have to finally liberate India.
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