Since the power to appoint priests is in the hands of the "Tantris", the thrust now should be to include non-Brahmins in the "Tantris". Any idea, Umesh, how that can be achieved?

----- Original Message ----
From: umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 3:48:52 PM
Subject: [Assam] Non-Brahmin priests in Kerala - good

Kerala Hindus Debate Appointment of Non-Brahmins As Temple Priests
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, INDIA, January 2, 2005: Two powerful community organizations of the Hindu fold in Kerala, the Nair Service Society (NSS) and the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam (SNDP), have sharply differed over the issue of appointment of non-brahmins as temple priests. While the NSS held that appointment of non-brahmins as priests would dilute the long-held customs and traditions of the Hindus in Kerala, SNDP general secretary Vellapally Natesan saw the NSS view as violative of the Apex Court order. In a resolution adopted by the NSS delegates' meet at its headquarters at Prunna near Kottayam, the organization wanted the Travancore Devaswom Board (TDB) to give up plans to appoint non-brahmins as priests. Though every Hindu had a right to hold any post in the Devaswom Board, priestly duties could not be carried out by anyone. Such moves would only result in creating divisions within the Hindu community, the NSS resolution said. Countering the NSS views on the vexed issue, Natesan, who heads SNDP, the socio-cultural organization of the Ezhava community, said opposing the appointment of non-brahmin priests ran counter to judgements by both the Kerala High Court and the Supreme Court on the issue. Talking to reporters at Nedumbassery airport, Natesan said it was also important that priests were interviewed by the 'Tantris' - traditional authorities on temple matters hailing from brahmin families -- to ensure that they had proper qualifications for the job.

Hindu Press International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Hindu Press International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 16:34:20 -1000
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: HPI, January 5, 2006

Hindu Press International

1. HPI Reports Combined For January 1 to 5

KAUAI, HAWAII, January 5, 2006: We apologize to subscribers for a glitch in our mail system -- we're calling it the Y2006 bug -- which caused our mail server to stop sending out HPI as of January 1. Following are the stories from January 1 through today, January 5, as a one report sent on January 5. HPI will next be issued January 8.

2. Dada Vaswani Celebrates New Year Despite Injury

PUNE, INDIA, January 3, 2006: Krishna Kumari reports, "After a public address in Mumbai on the December 16, several eager devotees wanted to reach out and touch Dada J. P. Vaswani's hands and greet him, while he was still on the dais. Dada, as always, responded to their eagerness, and bent down to reach out to as many people as he could, resulting in a muscle pull on his back. I'm afraid Dada overlooked the pain - in fact, ignored it as he is often apt to do. This led to excruciating pain. On Rev. Dada's return to Pune the orthopedic specialists who examined him have advised complete bed rest for three days, after which they will review his condition and prescribe further treatment. We are happy to be able to tell you that Dada is better now. The pain has lessened to a considerable extent.

"For the last few days numerous disciples had gathered together at the Mission, devoutly entreating the Lord to help and heal their Guru, Dada Vaswani, who had been unwell. Their prayers were answered, as at midnight Dada felt strong enough to give darshan and along with it a small encouraging story. He talked about a lady who was very ill and was devotedly being taken care of by her husband. But alas! The day arrived when the doctors gave up hope. With tearful eyes the husband looked up and his eyes met those of Sri Krishna in the picture on the wall. The Lord comforted him saying "Grieve not, have faith and courage for I am with you." Thus Dada conveyed the message that the New Year will bring with it joy and its accompanying sorrow. We should be prepared to accept both. But the faith and joy of knowing that He is always with us, fills us with hope which supersedes all the tribulations we may have to face. The enchanting bhajans and enervating and inspiring kirtans resounded even beyond the walls of the Mission, merrily ringing in the New Year. All of us at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission have been overwhelmed by the care and concern people have expressed about Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani, ever since they heard that he has been unwell. With the grace of God and your fervent prayers, Dada is fast on his royal road to recovery. He is now allowed to walk in his room and also sits up in bed to read and write."

3. Concerns About Developing Tirupati Temple for Tourism

NOIDA, INDIA, January 1, 2006: R. Venkatanarayanan, Secretary, Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha sends the following information:

"I would like to bring to your notice and through your columns to your readers' notice, an ominous piece of confirmed information circulating these days in India. The Andhra Pradesh Government is reported to have decided to install a ropeway to the Tirupathi temple to attract 'tourists' in large numbers to the temple and squeeze the temple and the highly revered Deity for more revenue. Another proposed step is to create a new budget category of 'General' income and expenditure as a strategem to divert devotee offerings to non-temple and non-Hindu purposes. The Christian Chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, who has strong personal support from the central congress leadership of the same persuasion and who is goaded constantly by the Christian missionaries, seems to insist on these outrageous action despite opposition from devotees and some part of temple management. Your readers may like to lodge strong protest in large numbers with the Chief Minister and the Andhra Pradesh Government asking them to desist from hurting Hindu sentiments in this manner."

4. New York Health Department Bans Three Ayurveda Drugs

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, December 22, 2006: The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) has banned at least three herbal medicine products made in India, saying they contained "dangerous levels" of lead and mercury and warned residents against their use. "Though there are no specific federal standards, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies recommends that certain food additives contain no more than 2 ppm (parts per million) of lead and no more than 1 ppm of mercury," the DOHMH said in a release. The three medicines identified by the department are - Jambrulin (24,300 ppm of Lead), made by Unjha Ayurvedic Pharmacy and used for diabetes and sugar control; Lakshmivilash Ras (Nardiya) (14,100 ppm of mercury), made by Baidyanath and used for chronic fever, cold, and cough; and Maha Sudarshan (2,190 ppm of mercury) made by Arya Aushadhi Pharmaceutical Works and used for flu and body ache.

A s part of the investigation that began this summer, DOHMH officials visited retail stores serving South Asian residents and purchased Indian products that had been identified in recent research studies and case reports as containing lead or mercury. "Laboratory tests showed that the above products, purchased in stores in Jackson Heights and Flushing, contain dangerous levels of lead or mercury. Lead and mercury were not listed on the products as ingredients. The sale of products deemed to contain poisonous substances or to be detrimental to human health is prohibited under New York City Health Code," the department said. The department has advised people who may have obtained these products to immediately stop using these products, call a physician to request a blood lead test and mercury urine test and keep products away from children.

5. Kerala Hindus Debate Appointment of Non-Brahmins As Temple Priests

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, INDIA, January 2, 2005: Two powerful community organizations of the Hindu fold in Kerala, the Nair Service Society (NSS) and the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam (SNDP), have sharply differed over the issue of appointment of non-brahmins as temple priests. While the NSS held that appointment of non-brahmins as priests would dilute the long-held customs and traditions of the Hindus in Kerala, SNDP general secretary Vellapally Natesan saw the NSS view as violative of the Apex Court order. In a resolution adopted by the NSS delegates' meet at its headquarters at Prunna near Kottayam, the organization wanted the Travancore Devaswom Board (TDB) to give up plans to appoint non-brahmins as priests. Though every Hindu had a right to hold any post in the Devaswom Board, priestly duties could not be carried out by anyone. Such moves would only result in creating divisions within the Hindu community, the NSS resolution said. Countering the NSS views on the vexed issue, Natesan, who heads SNDP, the socio-cultural organization of the Ezhava community, said opposing the appointment of non-brahmin priests ran counter to judgements by both the Kerala High Court and the Supreme Court on the issue. Talking to reporters at Nedumbassery airport, Natesan said it was also important that priests were interviewed by the 'Tantris' - traditional authorities on temple matters hailing from brahmin families -- to ensure that they had proper qualifications for the job.

6. New Hindu Temple in Florida is Consecrated

SOUTHWEST RANCHES, FLORIDA, December 12, 2005: Another milestone for Hindus in America took place in December with the opening of the South Florida 10,000-square-foot Hindu Temple in Southwest Ranches. Nine Deities were ceremoniously installed with elaborate pujas. One thousand Hindus attended the event. The temple is expected to serve 70,000 Hindus in the South Florida area. Rajendra Gupta, one of the temple's founding members, said, "Organizers spent nearly a decade raising almost $5 million to build the ornate temple, which was partly designed by silpies, or stone craftsmen, from India. The temple will be open daily for Hindus to perform pujas, or worship rituals." Eleven-year-old Faren Rajkumar sums up the event, "I think it's beautiful, a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I'm proud to be a part of this."

7. Rudraksha Beads - The Height of Fashion

NEW DELHI, INDIA, December 7, 2005: The sacred tears of Lord Siva that have been used to make sacred malas for japa and worn by devout Saivites for centuries are now entering the mainstream in a new way. Rudraksha beads are now being used by the fashion world to enhance outfits and to wear as jewelry. The news release explains, "Over the past two or three years, the beads have also become a fairly popular fashion statement. Women generally combine rudraksha and gold beads for the neck, while men wear them either as a small mala or bracelet. Interestingly, most people wear them as accessories, without realizing which type of bead ought to go with their astrological chart." Samir Kumar, a jeweller from Delhi says, "Today, almost every fashion boutique and jeweller uses them. " A Mumbai-based rudraksha therapist, Tanay Seetha, adds, "More people are taking to them after research worldwide has proved they possess electromagnetic powers. Their therapeutic effects on ailments like blood pressure, heart disease and stress have also been proved. The beads are very popular in Mumbai too, and everyone from film stars like Shammi Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan and Rajnikanth to college-goers can be seen sporting them. Even former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi used to wear them. They are also liked by new age spirituality seekers, who range from software experts to corporates and those working in the BPO sector."

8. A Change for VIP's at Sabarimala Temple

KERALA, INDIA, December 20, 2005: Up until recently, VIP's at the Lord Ayyappan Sabarimala temple were allowed to stand in front of the sanctum sanctorum in a special queue that often blocked the vision of the devotees. An order by the Kerala High Court has directed the Executive Officer of Sabarimala to abandon the special queue. The court also ordered that prasadam be distributed after puja, that steps be taken to stop unauthorized business done by women (ages 15-35) around the temple, that a ratio of bananas for 'Appam' be followed and that the regulation for handling gas cylinders be adhered to. Several million pilgrims worship at the remote temple each year.

9. Hindus Hold Religious Gatherings At Military Base Near US Capital

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 3, 2006: Giwani Chaturbhuj reports, "Hindu Faith communities of Bolling Air Force Base and the National Capitol Region under the auspices of Chinmaya Mission West and 11th Wing Chaplain would like to invite all those who are interested in learning more about Hindu culture, yoga and meditation, to join every Friday Service in the Main Chapel (11th Wing), room 16 between 1200 through 1245. Other events like discourse on Bhagavad-Gita as presented by the spiritual master Swami Chinmayananda will be discussed to understand the challenges we all face in our daily lives. We will be also teaching how to cook healthy vegetarian dishes. POCs for additional details are: Mr. Gidwani, (703) 212- 8111, or Dr. Ram Bhat at 202-767-4306."

10. Interpretation Center Opens At Thanjavur Temple
THANJAVUR, INDIA, December 31, 2005: The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is to open an interpretation center at the Tanjavur Braghadeeswarar temple where life-size photographic reproductions of the 1,000-year-old Chola Period murals, drawn in the temple, will be displayed. The center will be inaugurated during the Pongal festival in January. According to ASI officials, the reproduction was a demanding task as the paintings were so old. The paintings were discovered in the 1930s. Nayak paintings were found over the Chola painting. The ASI experts carefully detached the layer of the Nayak paintings without damaging them, P. S. Sriraman, Assistant Superintendent of ASI said. The Chola murals were photographed in small frames and joined to make one big frame. The paintings, depicted Tripurantaka, Nataraja and the story of Sundarar. The objective of reproduction was to make people, especially pilgrims and tourists understand the paintings and the stories behind them. The murals were kept in places where there was not much light, and visitors could not enjoy their full beauty The murals were in the first floor of the temple, and around the sanctum sanctorum.
NOTICE: Some source URLs cited in HPI articles are only valid on the date the article was issued. Most are invalid a week to a few months later. When a URL fails to work, go to the top level of the source's website and search for the article.

Daily Inspiration

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackwanna ST
College Park, MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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