So that's it.
Looks like ULFA is trying to play a trump card.
But is it a trump card really?
Looks like they are playing a wrong card, a Horton 10 while the color of the game Diamond.
Even if it is a trump card, the trump card is at the expense of Assam.
And what ULFA and PCG  and MRG will gain at the end of the day?
Independence of Assam?
Or the support from the people of Assam?
I thought that is what ULFA was trying to get the support of the people.
And this is how ULFA and PCG wants to get Independence of Assam?
By making the people of Assam hostage in their earning the daily bread?
This way, I think ULFA is going to get neither the support of the people of Assam nor independence.
And Chandan has already declared that the THE looser will not be GOI.
What does all these mean?
Many nations have gone down in history.
Are we witnessing the final demise of the Assamese civilization?
May be.
Glory be to ULFA and PCG.
I say Hobo Diok.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:49 PM
Subject: [Assam] Separatists declare boycott -BBC

An Ulfa spokesperson also confirmed the group had told India's state-run oil company ONGC to pay 5bn rupees ($113m) if it wanted to operate in Assam. -BBC
Well! shouldn't  that should clear up any doubts MRG has about the extortion.
I wonder what this means  "Assam separatists declare boycott"
Does it mean that separatists are going to boycott the Republic day? Or are they giving broad hints to the people of Assam - boycott or else?
Assam separatists declare boycott
By Subir Bhaumik
BBC News, Calcutta

The United Liberation Front of Assam (Ulfa) and three other rebel groups in north-east India have urged supporters to boycott Republic Day this month.

A joint statement condemned India's "illegal occupation" and called for a general strike on 26 January.

An Ulfa spokesperson also confirmed the group had told India's state-run oil company ONGC to pay 5bn rupees ($113m) if it wanted to operate in Assam.

Peace moves between Delhi and Ulfa look as good as over after three months.

On Friday, Ulfa fighters lobbed hand grenades near an oil refinery at Noonmati not far from Assam's capital, Guwahati.

Pipeline explosion

The grenade attack, which injured three people, comes after Ulfa separatists bombed an oil pipeline earlier in the week on the eve of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to the state.

The joint statement issued by Ulfa - along with the All Tripura Tiger Force, the Manipur People's Liberation Front and the Kamatapur Liberation Organisation which is fighting for a tribal state in northern Bengal - says they have called for a general strike on 26 January.

"We urge our people to stay away from Indian Republic Day ceremonies because these occasions only serve to consolidate Indian illegal occupation of our region," the joint statement said.

While separatist groups in north-east India oppose Republic Day and Independence Day celebrations as a matter of routine, Ulfa was not expected to take such action this year.

It had taken some steps to initiate a dialogue with Delhi.

Three months ago, it set up a committee of civil society leaders in Assam to carry forward the peace process with the Indian government.

The prime minister, along with senior cabinet colleagues, met the so-called People's Consultative Group in Delhi to express his commitment to peace in Assam.

But there has been no further meeting of the committee and the Indian government.

"That seems to have upset the Ulfa," said a senior intelligence official.

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