A small correction. The para should read:

"As a result, one needs to understand the real gains
versus the real losses you get from this violence. Any
which way you do the math, the people of Assam are way
worse off than if we had not had this violence." 

--- Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And therein lies the detachment from reality.
> First off, India does not pay heed to violence. You
> can go do as much violence as you want and the
> federal
> Indian government will not budge on core issues. Not
> unless it is in danger of breaking up. And it isn't
> breaking up any time soon - even in the detractors'
> dreams.
> Secondly the level of violence. The ULFA has been
> reduced to, at best, a feeble force. Its violence is
> limited to keeping Assam unstable - blowing up
> pipelines here and there, doing extortion on
> defenceless civilians and doing a few bomb blasts
> every Republic day. India can contain this violence
> till eternity. All ULFA's violence is capable of at
> this point is keeping the state unstable and denying
> the people of Assam a stable environment to go
> develop
> productive lives for themselves. Unless ULFA is able
> to ratchet up the violence big time in a short
> duration, it's prospects are as bad as trying to
> expect humongous growth in baby products in the
> Japanese market.
> As a result, one needs to understand the real gains
> versus the real losses you get from this violence.
> Any
> which way you do the math, the people of Assam are
> way
> worse off than if we had this violence. 
> Unfortunately, to use C-da's words, "But I guess
> some
> folks are slow learners, if at all learners." 
> --- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Its for us to read between the lines :)
> > 
> > *** Yes, indeed.
> > 
> > 
> > And when *I* do that, I never cease to  ANNOY,
> even
> > upset, so many of 
> > our good friends to all heck, eliciting scathing
> > criticisms, not to 
> > mention aspersions to be cast on my motives and
> > judgements on my 
> > character and attitudes :-)!
> > 
> > 
> > >You think its the 'VIOLENCE' gets Delhi's
> > attention.
> > 
> > *** I don't just think so, Ram -- I believe so. It
> > is much too 
> > obvious from decades of what has been going on
> > across the length and 
> > breadth of ALL of India, to believe otherwise. But
> I
> > also know that 
> > the power of self-suggestion is very strong. Many
> a
> > fine Indian lulls 
> > oneself to a torpor, unable to see what stares one
> > in the face.
> > 
> > 
> > >In that case, the ULFA should go all out on a
> > rampage - they may 
> > >even realize >the dream, don't you think? That
> will
> > teach Delhi a 
> > >lesson, right.
> > 
> > *** Ram, it is this kind of reasoning, from
> > otherwise able 
> > people,that elicits verbal-mayhem in Assam Net
> :-).
> > Just like GoI 
> > actions and inaction have spawned the numerous
> > insurgencies and 
> > rebellions ever since independence.
> > 
> > 
> > >So, now that the date has been announced, the
> > will presumbly 
> > >cease and >desist, right?
> > 
> > *** I can't read ULFA's mind and they don't ask
> for
> > my advice or 
> > consent. But if I were to be in their shoes,in a
> > grossly asymmetrical 
> > warfare with an overwhelmingly more powerful
> > adversary, I certainly 
> > won't let their detractors know what to expect
> next.
> > Would you? 
> > Pre-determined, cause and effect responses with
> > predictable stances 
> > these could not be.
> > 
> > One might have thought the decision makers at
> Delhi
> > are bright enough 
> > to understand these things after fighting these
> wars
> > for fifty plus 
> > years. But I guess some folks are slow learners,
> if
> > at all learners.
> > 
> > 
> > >In the meantime, with all this gung-ho stuff, a
> > driver (civilian 
> > >possibly a >mortal enemy of the freedom movement)
> > got killed and a a 
> > >number of innocents >injured (photo/news AT
> > yesterday). But we 
> > >really shouldn't care, these could be >treated as
> > collateral damage 
> > >in the people's struggle.
> > 
> > *** Isn't that a good reason to have attempted to
> > find a political 
> > solution all these twenty plus years? Wouldn't
> that
> > be a good 
> > question for those who hold the keys to a
> solution?
> > 
> > The question is particularly disingenuous for
> those
> > who disapprove of 
> > MRG's efforts to get a dialogue going. And for
> those
> > who question the 
> > benefit of a political solution for Assam and even
> > oppose it outright.
> > 
> > *** Re the AT Editorial, my answer is :They should
> > talk!  What 
> > credibility do THEY have?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > At 10:11 AM -0600 1/23/06, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> > >C'da,
> > >
> > >  >Ram may find here the answer that has so
> eluded
> > him about Indian 
> > >rags' NEUTRALITY and >OBJECTIVITY in reference to
> > the NE 
> > >insurgencies.
> > >
> > >In fact, I did happen to read both reports. The
> > media does have 
> > >their 'free speech' and spin. Its for us to read
> > between the lines :)
> > >
> > >In any case
> > >
> > >  >*** Isn't  it amazing how Delhi gets the
> > message! And I remember 
> > >how our esteemed friends in the >net used to get
> > all excited when I 
> > >explained how ONLY violence and blood-letting
> gets
> > desi->demokras's 
> > >attention!
> > >
> > >You think its the 'VIOLENCE' gets Delhi's
> > attention. In that case, 
> > >the ULFA should go all out on a rampage - they
> may
> > even realize the 
> > >dream, don't you think? That will teach Delhi a
> > lesson, right.
> > >
> > >Incidently, a few days ago, even before all this
> > blood-letting 
> > >started, the Indian Express (I think) carried an
> > item where the PMO 
> > >had stated that they would be holding talks with
> > the PCG within a 
> > >month.
> > >
> > >So, now that the date has been announced, the
=== message truncated ===

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