Assam and India are not synonymous. One should be able to talk about 
Assam by looking at pros and cons of its complete and currently 
subservient political association with India.


-----Original Message-----
From: Himendra Thakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 06:52:38 -0500
Subject: [Assam] Give-up Anti-India Approach

  Dear Mukul,

  You are right. I am really pausing to think why nobody is answering. 
But, what I wrote were not fantasies. Many years ago, I saw someone 
using the term "Civilian Invasion by Bangladesh" and got scared.

  Even when I posted "there is NO GOD in Rik Veda" there had been no 
response ! No curiosity !!

  I always write without personal attack, and without throwing 
"adjectives" on correspondents.

  I still appeal to you, as an old friend, to give up your anti-India 
approach. Who is this Baba Ramdeo, anyway ???

 With the best,

  ----- Original Message -----
 From: mc mahant
 Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 5:38 AM
 Subject: RE: [Assam] Civilian Invasion by Bangladesh


 Have you paused to think why nobody is replying to your fantasies?

 Could it be that they all think you offer nothing but garbage?

 Cool off!

 Maybe join Baba Ramdeo's Ashram at somewhere.



  From: "Himendra Thakur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Chan Mahanta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: "Dr. Khanindra Pathak" 
Subject: [Assam] Civilian Invasion by Bangladesh
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:13:28 -0500

   Dear Chandan,

   Since you have made comments about me that "*** Actually you are 
something else!"  I have now my rights to ask you what you are. Please 
answer the following two questions:

   1. Are you claiming Independence of Assam from India by living in the 
USA under the protection of your US Citizenship?

   2. By living in the USA under the protection of your US Citizenship, 
are you helping Bangladesh in their Civilian Invasion of India where 
the immediate victim is Assam?

   Please reply to these questions "with the courage of" your 

   I'll deal with your other points such "'khai-paat-folaa' ( ingrate) 
attitude towards the USA," etc., after I hear your straight answer to 
the above two questions.



    ----- Original Message -----
  From: Chan Mahanta
  To: Himendra Thakur ;
  Cc: J Kalita ; MANOJ KUMAR DAS
  Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 10:51 AM
  Subject: Re: Hindus and Muslims are brothers

  Dear Himen-da,

  At 10:12 PM -0500 1/29/06, Himendra Thakur wrote:
   Dear Chandan,     I am NOT a Muslim baiter --- I am opposed to 

  *** Actually you are something else!

   It is unreal that you should go on with these patently absurd 
arguments and explanations.

   Tell you what Himen-da, if I were in your shoes, I would defend my 
bigoted views with the courage of my convictions instead of 
manufacturing such laughable excuses.

   >By making an announcement that there is not a single Bangladeshi 
infiltrator in Assam,---"

   *** Not Saurav, not I nor anyone else in this forum have made such an 
assertion. Now you are resorting flagrant fabrications too.

   Besides it is a different issue that has NOTHING to do with your 
introductory assertions attempting to deny the citizenship of Muslims 
of India by branding them invaders six hundred plus years after the 
fact. That was where your bigotry and fascist attitudes showed in 
living colors.

  >Saurav is justifying the infiltration of Bangladeshis on economics.

   *** That is another sleazy assertion. Saurav NEVER JUSTIFIED such a 
thing. He was merely attempting to explain the phenomenon to rebut your 
convoluted assertion that it is a grand Islamic conspiracy to breed the 
hordes of B'deshis so they can take over Assam.

   >Every invasion has an economic aspect. Attack by Sultan Mamud prior 
to 1193 were all economic ... he wanted gold >rom the Jain, Hindu and 
Buddhist temples in India. When the British came, they came for 
economic reason ... they even >called it a profit-making East India 

   *** And what does that have to do with today's Muslims of India? O, 
by extension and implication, Assam's Muslim population? B'deshis have 
been sneaking into Assam for ECONOMIC survival, because there is land 
to be found. And what has your GoI, with its resources and 
constitutional duty of border protection done all these thirty years 
about it since the problem exacerbated?  And when I asked you that 
question why could you NOT explain it?

   Oh I know you would blame it on the Nehru Dynasty as if it had 
nothing to do with being the Government of India. But that is the 
Hinduttwa folks' hang-up, alibi and that does not help Assam, does it? 
Anyway what did the NDA do anything other than fan the flames of 
sectarian conflict with their fascist ideology spreading the poison of 
communalism of historical Hindu Muslim amity in Assam?

   >Assam-net is getting ruined by your inuendos, suspicion, 
implication, blame, accusation, insinuation ... and >everybody seems to 
be in the defensive.

  *** I find that very amusing Himen-da.

   Those who find themselves on the DEFENSIVE -- I know a few do -- do 
so only because they get exposed in their attempts to peddle something 
in the guise of something else. My pointing that out causes them 
discomfiture and embarrassment. Now if they believe their intent is 
honorable, they need not be on the defensive do they? They could DEFEND 
their integrity by explaining in simple English, couldn't they?

   But once again, here is a little suggestion for those who are 
intimidated: Perhaps they would canvass for a DEMOCRATIC referendum to 
expel the intimidator. Being the devotees of democracy , they ought not 
to be afraid to take it up. And if they are in the majority they could 
then demand of the Webmaster/s to either expel or muzzle yours truly by 
some other means, to preserve the equanimity of Assam Net.

  How is that?

   I give you 'bhukto-bhwgis' (victims) ALL the weapons you need for 
de-fanging me, even show you my vulnerable underbelly -- but you never 
use them. Why Himen-da? Why do you guys instead WHINE and MOAN like 
spoilt, mama's-boy brats :-)?

  >You accused me of being a US-Citizen-----.

   *** No I don't ACCUSE you of being an US citizen. That is NOT a crime 
in my book. And from what you charge me with, one can easily infer that 
you do. And since you do imply it to be a crime for those of us who 
have taken up U S citizenship after coming here, not shackled and 
chained, in slave ships, but with free-will,with sound mind and in 
sound health, how do you justify your own 'khai-paat-folaa' ( ingrate) 
attitude towards the USA,

  >... and even after being caught red-handed ..

   *** I don't know whether to laugh or cry! Sheesh! I thought of you as 
a whole lot sharper than you portray yourself to be in these posts 

   But again, I will give you a benefit of the doubt that you have 
'khai-paat-folaa' ( ingrate) going berserk at being confronted with 
your own not-so-honorable outlooks and political pre-dilections.

   And just so you know, I don't take ANY of it personally. Trust me on 
that :-).



   The invading army that attacked Assam in Saraighat included a large 
percentage of Hindus. They came from Indo-gangetic plains which was an 
occupied territory at that time. Assam was the only India left outside 
the occupation by Invaders. Assam fought back, the Battle of Saraighat 
was NOT AGAINST INDIA, it was against the Invaders.     By identifying 
the Invaders as Muslims, you and Saurav have done a great injustice to 
Indian Muslims. To protect a family during the early period of invasion 
of Indo-Gangetic plains, if a family of had five brothers, two would 
take conversion to Islam to protect the remaining three. Without the 
protection of Indian Muslims, India would have become completely 
Islamized like Persia. I have recorded this many times that, in India, 
Hindus and Muslims are brothers lost in the hurricane of History. Once 
that hurricane is over, the two brotrhers will shake off their 
differences and unite.     By making an announcement that there is not 
a single Bangladeshi infiltrator in Assam, Bangladesh Government has 
actually instituted a CIVILIAN INVASIION of India where Assam the major 
victim. I wrote against it, and you are turning it into Muslim baiting. 
Apparently you are a supporter of the Banglasehi Civilian Invasion.     
Saurav is justifying the infiltration of Bangladeshis on economics. 
Every invasion has an economic aspect. Attack by Sultan Mamud prior to 
1193 were all economic ... he wanted gold from the Jain, Hindu and 
Buddhist temples in India. When the British came, they came for 
economic reason ... they even called it a profit-making East India 
Company.     Just because they had an economic reason, we do not have 
to give up our land.     Assam-net is getting ruined by your inuendos, 
suspicion, implication, blame, accusation, insinuation ... and 
everybody seems to be in the defensive. You accused me of being a 
US-Citizen ... and even after being caught red-handed ... you continue 
the attack that I am camouflaging some Hindutwa [I am once again in the 
defensive to tell you that many years ago I gave up my caste and my 
religion. I still respect Rik Veda (some people use a foreign word 
"Hindu" to mean vedic wisdom) because there is NO GOD in Rik Veda.]     
I leave it to the assam-net readers to judge your inuendos, suspicion, 
implication, blame, accusation, insinuation.      With the best wishes, 
  ----- Original Message -----  From: Chan Mahanta  To: Himendra Thakur 
;  Cc: MANOJ KUMAR DAS ; J Kalita  Sent: Sunday, 
January 29, 2006 5:55 PM  Subject: Re: Chandan's citizenship
  Dear Himen da:
   >IF you based most of your 
anger/outburst/antagonism/suspicion/insinuations/accusations etc. 
against me on the >ground that :

   *** Well, actually NONE of it was based on YOUR citizenship. Because 
it was not about you. But I did assume, erroneously, that you are the 
beneficiary of American citizenship, to drive home the point of the 
hypocrisy of your stance on the Muslims of India.
   But none of my criticism of YOUR VIEWS ( not your persona) change in 
any way, shape or form, from your revelation of your citizenship 
status. The only part that does not apply is the hypocrisy as relates 
to your OWN citizenship. But it could in other ways, if you know what I 
   > I did not (repeat DID NOT) take US Citizenship ... because I still 
love Asomi >Ai and Mother India ...
   *** But how does that justify your Muslim baiting and your not too 
well camouflaged Hinduttwa agenda for Assam?

   >I hope this will remove your suspicion that I am doing all these 
 from >the "benefits and protections of a secular society with a rule of 
law" and >everything I am doing is "unbecoming, hypocritical"
   *** My assessment is NOT a mere suspicion Himen-da. You have  
demonstrated very clearly what your agenda is. And unless you can give 
us a whole different explanation, credibly, the impression stays. But I 
will give you the benefit of a doubt, and will look forward to your 
explanations on how you are not indulging in Muslim baiting, not 
attempting to deny them their right to citizenship, and not attempting 
to peddle Hinduttwa as a tool for preserving Assam as an Indian colony 

 >PLEASE tell the readers what is your own citizenship today.

  *** Your got me finally, didn't you?
   But NOT SO FAST , Himen-da. Most everyone in this forum knows of my 
citizenship, which has been American for nearly 25 years now.
  Question is,now what? Would my sins absolve you of yours :-)?

  At 4:03 PM -0500 1/29/06, Himendra Thakur wrote:
 Dear Chandan,

    IF you based most of your 
anger/outburst/antagonism/suspicion/insinuations/accusations etc. 
against me on the ground that :
    "And coming from someone like yourself, who probably claimed US 
citizenship with a mere five or so years in the country, enjoying the 
benefits and protections of a secular society with a rule of law,it is 
that much more unbecoming, hypocritical"
   I must inform you that, although I am in the USA for the last 33 
years, I did not (repeat DID NOT) take US Citizenship ... because I 
still love Asomi Ai and Mother India ...

    I hope this will remove your suspicion that I am doing all these 
 from the "benefits and protections of a secular society with a rule of 
law" and everything I am doing is "unbecoming, hypocritical"

   PLEASE tell the readers what is your own citizenship today.

   With the best wishes,

   ----- Original Message -----
 From: Chan Mahanta
  To: Himendra Thakur ; mc mahant
  Cc: J Kalita ; MANOJ KUMAR DAS ;
  Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 12:51 PM

  Hello Himen-da:

   I know it was not meant for me, even though I do feature in it and I 
don't mean to speak for my brother either. But I thought a response is 
called for.

   >I have come to know that people of Nagaon has recently named a 
bridge over the Kolong River after their beloved >poet and named it 

   *** No harm done. Names are not as problematic as building a 
pedestrian bridge to Umananda, but for what?

   Did Santiago Caltrava's bridge over the Sacramento river at Redding, 
( ) 
inspire you to propose the Atan B Xako ( ABX). If it did, you can 'fess 
up to it. It would demonstrate good taste.

  But it would be a bad case of 'me-too-ism'.

   I gave you my reasons. If they seemed without substance, you would 
have surely responded. And if not you, at least all my other 
net-opponent friends would have gotten on my case as could be seen 
daily. You had no care about costs/ benefits ( unexpected, considering 
your decades of engineering at Boston), appropriateness of building a 
monument where scores of homeless families don't have the dignity of 
living like humans. You are unaware of the geography, the lay of the 
river and what impact it may have on navigation,or at its foot for 
access ramps etc. But you can educate yourself if you download the 
Google Earth free-software and go look up Guwahati from the air, quite 

   But all that on the practicality point, provided a conceptual 
justification could be made. That is where the abject failure of the 
idea lies.

   Your idea is rooted in the same kind of silly notion like the 
monument of Lasit at the military academy in Chennai, as if Assam's 
discontent is rooted on its not being noticed by India.

   Suspicion? Heck no Himen-da. It is a well-known fact that the efforts 
at Hinduization of Assam as a means for perpetuating Indian occupation 
is what that other light( weight) general and the current one at the 
guvnor's mansion are dedicated to, with a little help from Assam's own 
of course.

   >Chandan Mahanta came up with "Statute of Limitation" in the USA 
about which he accused that I did not know.

   *** I don't know you much Himen da. But from what I did know from our 
couple of encounters, I thought you are just as clever and informed a 
person as the rest of us. And on that basis, your claim of being 
clueless about my referring to the 'statute of limitations' is not 
persuasive. First it was NOT about the ABX, it was about your thinly 
disguised, fascist, Muslim-baiting, holding them to be invaders and 
tyrants six hundred plus years after the fact and casting aspersions on 
if not questioning directly their rights to citizenship in the land 
where they have lived for millenia, just because a few centuries back 
they changed their religious affiliation either under coercion or under 
free will.

   And coming from someone like yourself, who probably claimed US 
citizenship with a mere five or so years in the country, enjoying the 
benefits and protections of a secular society with a rule of law,it is 
that much more unbecoming, hypocritical.

   >About eighty years ago, my uncle, the late Indreswar Barthakur, drew 
paintings of Sati Jaimati and Lachit. Those >paintings were very 

   >I do agree that the statue of Lachit at National Defence Academy and 
the portrait of Shankardeva in Kharghuli may >not bring forth the 
life-force of those departed souls. These art-works have been done by 
commercial artists who >may not have felt the spirit of the departed 

   *** Good for you. I have not seen Barthakur's paintings, and thus 
will refrain from attempting to judge them on their artistic merit. But 
on the intellectual aspect of requiring an icon ( or idol ) of either 
to draw inspiration from is a baggage you too carry from orthodox-Hindu 
traditions, something Xonkordeu tried so hard to wean the people of 
Assam from, but obviously not very successfully.

   >I never asked anyone to build an ugly bridge, or to build a 
sore-thumb for a statue.

   *** One does not have to Himen-da. We can draw inferences from the 
examples of all that have been erected thus far.

   >. you and Chandan Mahanta should be members in the Selection 

   *** You are kind. But if I were to be anywhere near there, I would 
wear a placard on my neck and demonstrate against the idea as a 
ludicrous one.

  >I appeal to the "artists and architects and bridge engineers of 
Assam" not to copy from anybody.

   *** Personally, I believe a good copy of something creative in the 
realm of public structures is a whole lot better than a bad or insipid 

   Finally, on the protestations about your innocence on the 
Hinduttwabadi appearance and the proof you cite to back it up--that 
Hinduttwawallas attack you on your dowry abolition crusade, you forget 
that we do know about the many shades that Hinduttwa exponents come in: 
 From the know-nothing,lumpen variety's crude and coercive methods to 
the suave knowledge-brigades' slick attempts at revising history and 
manufacturing pseudo-intellectual arguments like you have been 
indulging in.

   I don't enjoy having to resort to such strident language again here. 
Even though I am very un-traditional and irreverent a kharkhowa, I do 
treat my seniors with a degree of respect and deference. But you leave 
me with little choice with your very poorly disguised but audacious 
Muslim-baiting agenda, something you will find very few takers in Assam 



  At 8:55 AM -0500 1/29/06, Himendra Thakur wrote:
 Dear Mukul,
         In response to Saurav's question "<<<how much does the statue 
of lachit at saraighat inspire people?>>>" you have replied "Not at all 
! And we should have no Busts, Statues, Xetus, Tombs, -all alien to our 
passing times. Everybody does his best in his time--and Go."
   I have come to know that people of Nagaon has recently named a bridge 
over the Kolong River after their beloved poet and named it "RATNAKANA 
BARKAKOTI SAKO" --- a fitting tribute to a dear, adorable poet of 
Assamese language. In my life, I cannot forget a bus ride I had from 
Nagaon to Guwahati (it took 4 hours in those days) when I was suddenly 
lucky to find that I was sitting next to poet Ratnakanta Barkakoti --- 
that has remained a lifetime memory for me --- I was a young student at 
that time. I don't want to write about that memory because Chandan may 
again accuse me for citing anecdotes which he suspects as an effort for 
drumbeating personal importance. I still think it is important (maybe 
even "better") to talk from personal experience where we see the things 
directly instead of reading in a book. But, restrained by Chandan, I 
better refrain.
   There are too much of suspicion, implication, blame, accusation, 
insinuation, etc. in assam-net. The worst is stereotyping, like 
"Christan Khasi" "Hindu Guvnor" "Scythian subgroup thukarian", etc.
   While I proposed ATAN BURAGOHAIN SAKO and a Statue of Swargadeo 
Chakradhwaja Sinha, Chandan Mahanta came up with "Statute of 
Limitation" in the USA about which he accused that I did not know. He 
vehemently opposed everything that I proposed by saying that the bridge 
would be ugly, the statue would stand up like a sore-thumb, people 
would dump garbage on (or, from) the bridge, etc., etc.
   I never asked anyone to build an ugly bridge, or to build a 
sore-thumb for a statue. Mine was an appeal to the artists, architects 
and bridge-engineers . "I urge the artists and architects and bridge 
engineers of Assam to imagine a graceful bridge with "poetry in its 
geometry" .. "
   About eighty years ago, my uncle, the late Indreswar Barthakur, drew 
paintings of Sati Jaimati and Lachit. Those paintings were very 
inspiring. I think those are now lost.
   I do agree that the statue of Lachit at National Defence Academy and 
the portrait of Shankardeva in Kharghuli may not bring forth the 
life-force of those departed souls. These art-works have been done by 
commercial artists who may not have felt the spirit of the departed 
   The problem can be solved by holding a competition of prototypes by 
the "artists and architects and bridge engineers of Assam" and 
selecting the best art-work . you and Chandan Mahanta should be members 
in the Selection Committee.

   I appeal to the "artists and architects and bridge engineers of 
Assam" not to copy from anybody.

   As for the practice of copying by young people, at a get-together at 
Shankardev Kalakshetra in Guwahati in 2004, I was asked if I had any 
advise for the your dramatists of Assam. My immediate response was: 
"Don't copy anybody. Write right from your own heart, with your own 
observations. It may be difficult at the beginning. But, very soon the 
mind will open up."
   The prototype art-work submitted in the competition (but not selected 
as the final winner) maybe saved at a proposed riverside Museum where 
people will see the noble efforts of all the "artists and architects 
and bridge engineers of Assam" . people will be inspired, like they 
were when they named "RATNAKANA BARKAKOTI SAKO" across our lovely 
Kolong River.
   Santanu Roy has objected about "simple yearning for a mythical golden 
past or some attempt to turn back the clock of history and social 
"progress" .. I did not propose ATAN BURGAHAIN SAKO "to turn back the 
clock of history and social progress" . it is very clearly stated as "a 
graceful bridge with "poetry in its geometry" as a permanent and 
constant reminder of what we achieved in the past. "Atan Buragohain 
Sako" is not for crossing a river. It will take us across three 
centuries of Time to fill our heart with hope, glory, self-confidence, 
self-sacrifice and a strong determination."

   As for your comment  "Kudos to Saurav-he is indeed Mr.-or Dr Logic , 
Dr analysis. I am proud for him"
   I must say that I found a number of errors in his analyses and logic, 
which I'll reply later. Right now, this letter is already too long.
   With memories of good old days, and appealing to you to give up the 
anti-India attitude,

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