> the current surge in India's software
>and call-center industries pushes up the price of skilled workers
>to a point where textile, furniture or footwear makers, which
>have small profit margins, can't find supervisors and managers.

Does anybody know what is India's unemployment number compared with the same yardsticks as of USA?
Without knowing this, there is no way of knowing if the author is writing purely academic stuff and it is the reality.
Are we really at that stage where the Indian youth have a choice?.
Why we hear so much unemployment of engineers?
Rajen Barua
---- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 1:44 AM
Subject: [Assam] Bangalore Squeezes India's Low-Skill Hinterland - What canAssam Do?

Does this means that there are thousands, well hundreds of jobs for our educated but not gainfully employed??


Bangalore Squeezes India's Low-Skill Hinterland

By Andy Mukherjee
Feb. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Windfall gains are seldom an unalloyed
blessing for an economy, and very often a curse.
Economists call it the ``Dutch Disease,'' a reference to the
deindustrialization that took place in the Netherlands after
natural gas was discovered in the North Sea in the 1960s.
A variant of the disease -- the ``Bangalore Bug'' -- now
threatens India, Kalpana Kochchar and other researchers at the
International Monetary Fund warn in a new study.
The bug may spread as the current surge in India's software
and call-center industries pushes up the price of skilled workers
to a point where textile, furniture or footwear makers, which
have small profit margins, can't find supervisors and managers.
If that prevents labor-intensive manufacturing from
expanding, employment may suffer because growth in India's
services has created few jobs and too many of the country's
workers are still eking out a living from farmland.
``The advanced skill-intensive part of the Indian economy
may be bidding up scarce skills in such a way as to slow the
growth of labor-intensive manufacture and the exit of surplus
labor from agriculture,'' the study says.
The fast-growing western and southern Indian states of
Karnataka (of which Bangalore is the capital), Maharashtra, Tamil
Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are narrowing the skills -- and wage --
gap with rich nations. These states, whose population growth has
already slowed because of rising literacy and falling fertility,
are luring away skilled workers from their poorer northern rivals.
This may be most detrimental to Bihar, Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, which are often referred to as the
four ``sick'' states of the country.


As much as 60 percent of India's population increase by 2051
is expected to take place in these northern and central Indian
states, which are laggards in economic growth and on most social
indicators. For instance in Bihar, a state more populous than
Germany, two out of three women can't read or write.
In Uttar Pradesh, whose population exceeds the U.K., France
and Spain put together, seven out of 10 children don't receive
full immunization.
In these states, there's little scope for skills-based
industries to take root because the infrastructure needed to
support them -- assured industrial power, good roads and law and
order -- are largely absent.
These landlocked states, already at a disadvantage because
of their distance from ports, are most at risk from the Bangalore
Bug because the current pace of 15 percent to 20 percent annual
inflation in skilled workers' pay makes it difficult for them to
hire and retain technicians and managers.

Containing the Bug

That, in turn, undermines their only chance to escape
poverty by replicating Chinese-style, large-scale, labor-
intensive manufacturing.
India's service industries employ about 30 percent of the
nation's workers, a figure that has barely moved in 10 years.
That stagnation has occurred even as the share of banking,
telecommunications, software, tourism, transportation, health,
education, entertainment and trade has grown to more than half of
the $693 billion economy, compensating for the full decline in
agriculture, which shrank to 20 percent of gross domestic product
in 2005, from 31 percent in 1991. The share of manufacturing has
been little changed at 16 percent of GDP.
Stifling Bangalore's growth is not the solution to
containing the bug. A much better way would be to ease the
emerging skilled-worker shortage by freeing higher education from
the clutches of state controls.

World-Class Engineers

If the supply of technical and managerial manpower keeps
pace with the burgeoning demand, the price for skilled labor will
remain within reach of what laggard states can afford to pay to
create globally competitive labor-intensive factories.
``From a policy perspective, the irony is that in order to
promote unskilled labor-intensive activities in the future, a
great deal of attention may need to be paid to fostering the
supply of skilled labor,'' Kochchar and her colleagues conclude.
India's success in skill-based industries has been an
unintended outcome of state policy.
The windfall accrued because, soon after independence in
1947, Soviet-inspired economic planners decided to make in state-
owned factories all the heavy equipment that most other poor
countries with surplus labor might have preferred to import.
The emphasis, therefore, was on producing world-class
engineers even at the cost of scrimping on blackboards in village
schools. In 2000, India spent 86 percent of per capita gross
domestic product on university training of each student. It
allocated 14 percent to primary schooling. By contrast, China
only spent 11 percent of its per capita GDP in university


When the Indian economy started opening to the world in 1991,
the country had a ready pool of engineers. These engineers could,
thanks to the plunge in telecommunications costs, design computer
chips for Intel Corp. and aircraft engines for General Electric
Co. without having to leave Bangalore.
Now is the time to take economic growth to the Indian
hinterland by improving the business climate in slow-growing
states so that it starts making business sense to employ
thousands of low-skilled workers.
That would be the surest defense against the Bangalore bonus
degenerating into a resource curse.

--Editors: Greiff (jdu)

Story illustration: To graph the year-on-year change in
India's quarterly gross domestic product, click
{INQGGDPY <Index> GP <GO>}. Click on {TNI INDIA ECO BN <GO>} to
see more stories on the Indian economy. Click on {RBIN <GO>} for
more information on the central bank. For more news on India,
please see {TOP IN <GO>}.
To see more Mukherjee columns, click on {NI MUKHERJEE <GO>}.
To comment on this column, click on {LETT <GO>} and send a
letter to the editor.

To contact the writer of this column:
Andy Mukherjee in Singapore (65) 6212-1591 or

To contact the editor responsible for this column:
James Greiff at (1) (212) 617-5801 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]




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