Title: Re: [Assam] Strong, secure, united INDIA
I don’t think India is already strong and secure. The border with Bangladesh is  absolutely insecure. India is not strong enough to tell Bangladesh to stop infiltration into Assam, which has endangered the landmass of India called Assam.
Dear Himenda:
Either you are not honest to yourself, or you absolutely do not know the illegall immigration problem of Bangladesis, or you are too blind for India.  It seems you believe that there is a switch of illegal immigration which Bangladesh govt can turn it off or on and the problem will be solved, and now we simply cannot do it because we are not strong enough to tell B'Desh to stop.  Illegel immigration has been going on since 1930s. Every GOI political parties bank on their votes every year.  Even this year GOI Congress is announcing boldly in Assam how they are foing to protect the B'Deshi illegel immigrants etc.  During the last 60 years, there has not been any sign of action from any quarter to protect the Assamese, or the Tripuri or any people.  In face of above reality, your understanding of the problem is, to say the least, childish. I don't think  it will be worthwhile for me to make any more comment on this as we simply cannot progress at all with your above understanding of the problem. 
Thanks you for your response though. You have proved that the theory
 A strong, secure and united India is the geo-political guarantee of the survival of Assamis not true.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Enemies of India are enemies of Assam

Dear Rajen,


I always avoid giving advice, and I never ask anyone to do anything that I do not do myself. However, since you said that “Please donot say, we need to do this or that.”  I am now worried that I may have slipped and I may have given some advice at some point. Please give me the instances.


Your comment “Yes the net is hostile to loose comments” has been applauded by Chandan Mahanta. Am I being accused of giving any loose comments? If so, I’ll like to know.


I appreciate your straightforward questions which I am replying as follows:


Question #1: Don't you think India is already strong and secure? [I took out the double negative & rephrased the question]

Answer #1: NO. I don’t think India is already strong and secure. The border with Bangladesh is  absolutely insecure. India is not strong enough to tell Bangladesh to stop infiltration into Assam, which has endangered the landmass of India called Assam.


Question #2 :  Does it mean Assam's survival is guranteed?

Answer #2:  Is this question based on the assumption that India is already strong and secure ?

IF yes, the assumption is answered in Q#1 as “NO” ,   so the question should be rephrased.


IF no, Since India is currently not strong and secure, Assam’s survival is NOT guaranteed at present. To guaranty survival of the landmass of India called Assam, India must secure the borders with Bangladesh and India must be strong to stop the illegal infiltration from Bangladesh.


Question #3: In view of above, where does your theory that a A strong, secure and united India is the geo-political guarantee of the survival of Assamstands?

Answer #3: The basis of this question (which is cited as “In view of above”)   is  “That strong controller of that security, the Congress GOI is trying to change Foreigners detection Law in Assam for the benefit of the illegel immigrants against the judgement of Supreme court so that illegel Bangladeshis will stay in Assam. That strong controller of that security, BJP and even AGP, are symapthising with Bangladeshi immigtants to grant them land as refuges.”

The basis cited above must be reconsidered because Congress, or  BJP (or even AGP)   IS not India.


India is a country, whereas Congress, BJP and even AGP are political parties. A political party is a group of individuals. It is not the country.


A strong, secure and united country destroys any individual or any political party who betrays the country.


Please run future discussions in the form of question/answer, so as to avoid unnecessary attack/defense/applauding about “loose comments”.


With the best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Enemies of India are enemies of Assam

>A strong, secure and united India is the geo-political guarantee of the survival of Assam, which is India.
First let us agree that we all have our different views and one may not agree with anybody.
But at least for arguments sake, please think again what you are saying here.
>A strong, secure and united India is the geo-political guarantee of the survival of Assam, which is India.
Don't you think India is already not strong and secure?
Does it mean Assam's survival is guranteed?
That strong controller of that security, the Congress GOI is trying to change Foreigners detection Law in Assam for the benefit of the illegel immigrants against the judgement of Supreme court so that illegel Bangladeshis will stay in Assam.
That strong controller of that security, BJP and even AGP, are symapthising with Bangladeshi immigtants to grant them land as refuges.
In view of above, where does your theory that a A strong, secure and united India is the geo-political guarantee of the survival of Assamstands?
Please think carefully and comment.
Please donot say, we need to do this or that.
I am just making a comment of your comment and asking you to justify.
Yes the net is hostile to loose comments.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 11:38 AM
Subject: [Assam] Enemies of India are enemies of Assam

Dear Chandan,
You are right to say One thing that jumps out is the preponderance of certain politically motivated views and assertions that keep appearing, even after being thoroughly debunked, refuted or discredited.
It is now obvious that people who do not take any responsibility about what they say are spreading "politically motivated views"  which are dangerous for Assam's survival.
A strong, secure and united India is the geo-political guarantee of the survival of Assam, which is India.
Enemies of India are enemies of Assam. However, the "politically motivated views" of these enemies are caught when they write phrases like "Civilian invasion by India" "Poor Bangladeshi "immigrants" looking for job" --- these are obviously biased & motivated opinions for the benefit of Bangladesh, which have been thoroughly debunked, refuted or discredited many times. .
In the assam-net, even the Enemies of Assam should have their freedom of _expression_, but I am sure that the netters will be able to see the thinly covered political motivations of these irresponsible writers.
With the best,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Strong, secure, united INDIA

Hi Himen-da,

Have time for comment only one point for now, even though many more deserve a response :-):

The atmosphere in assam-net has become very tense. Is this is a symptom of our internal despondency because we are in the verge of losing our beloved land?

*** If it is so, it is a result of the subject-matter being dealt with in the posts that we have seen. One thing that jumps out is the preponderance of certain politically motivated views and assertions that keep appearing, even after being thoroughly debunked, refuted or discredited. That is a sure-fire recipe to draw strident responses.


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