Thanks C'da for the description.
All these years I haven't given much thought to flowers (or trees) - but as I am aging these mundane things seem to carry more of an importance & weight than political-charged issues :) :).
I was thinking Polaax was some kind of tulip, but wasn't sure. In any case, they are lovely flowers and soothing to the eyes.

On 3/13/06, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Ram:

Yes indeed. Polaax, Butea frondosa is indeed a stunning flowering plant that blooms in Fagun.

It is not a very common tree in Oxom. More widely seen in Bengal, Bihar etc. Modaar ( Indian Coral Tree), a cousin is more common to Assam.

A cousin of both is widely seen in the southwestern coastal areas of the US.

Polaax flower petals vary in coloration from crimson to an orangish red. In the AT web-site picture it is probably looking a bit more orangish-yellow than I have seen them to be, perhaps a function of color balance of the digital image.

The name 'Flame of the Forest', probably is a misnomer. Flame of the Forest is a widely known flowering tree from the humid tropics found around the globe, and is also known as African Tulip. However, I know that the misuse of the Flame of the Forest name is common,used to represent Krishnosura ( Royal Poinciana, Gul Mohur), African Tulip ( Spathodea Campanulata) and Polaax ( Butea frondosa) and perhaps even others.










At 8:57 AM -0600 3/11/06, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
The AT has a beautiful photo of palash (palax) (the flower).
While trying to find the English equivalent, I came across this site - with beautiful flowers. Didn't know palash comes in yellow.
They give the scientific name as Butea frondosa (Flame of the Forest). 
What would be the common English name. I don't think I have seen it around Texas.
Wasn't there an old song - which went 'Poloxor e rong'  (Color of polox)?

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