I do not have an agenda but I do have curiosity. So I am asking two questions. Please do not take it as an affront to anyone or any ethnic group.
1. What is the origin of the name "Ahom" that is ascribed to the group of people who came from northern Burma and were part of the "Shan" ( did they pronounce it as Shan?) tribe before they entered Assam ?
2. Where are the "Buranjis" that we hear so much about? I was taught in school that the word Buranji and the tradition of keeping Buranji came with the Ahoms and it is unique. I'd think the Buranjis would be available today in Xansipat or whatever other medium was used, for us to view. I have seen many Xansipat puthis, but I am yet to see a Buranji that lives upto its reputation of being the history of Ahom kings or the state.  I'd like to know where these Buranjis are hidden. I talked to an Ahom friend of mine and he said they are family heirlooms. Is that true?
I am expecting an avalanche of replies on this. I hope I do get them.
Dilip Deka
assam mailing list

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